Contractors and fronting

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read with interest the article concerning the statements from Hon Keith Bell, Minister of Labour relative to the contractors, with concerns about fronting and the appointment of a board that the Ministry of Labour can consult.

The Architects Act and Board has been in place from 1994 and successive governments have come and gone ignoring the board’s existence.

We still have suitcase architects coming in and practising in New Providence and the Family Islands with impunity. Many major projects have been planned and developed and built without any input from local professionals.

I am not sure what architects have done to deserve this type of treatment, but I do hope that the contractors fare better than what we have received. I see major projects with ground breaking and public ceremonies with no local architects mentioned or in sight.

We have to do better as all Bahamian professionals matter, and as the Minister says we should be included from the very beginning when the initial concepts are being outlined.

This year marks 29 years of our official existence. I hope that we see a change from the top and an all-inclusive approach to development.




April 27, 2023.


Maximilianotto says...

Anyone afraid of competition?

Posted 30 April 2023, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

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