Mitchell defends Bahamas’ efforts on smuggling


Tribune Staff Reporter

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell defended the country’s efforts to counter human smuggling after an American newspaper highlighted the problem.

In an article published last week, The Washington Post depicted human smuggling as the latest illicit activity gaining prominence in The Bahamas, following periods of drug and alcohol smuggling and piracy.

The Post’s journalists spoke of alleged smugglers who claimed that getting involved in human smuggling in the Bahamas is easy.

In a voice note yesterday, Mr Mitchell said the portrait that emerged from the reporting is exaggerated.

“There are facts involved like the fact of our geography, the fact that people use the country to smuggle people to the United States,” he said. “Pieces of this nature, in my view, always come off as exaggerated to the point of the absurd.

“The piece is simply not balanced enough in that it does not give credit or sufficient credit to a small country with limited resources. There is no way, shape or form, countenance is the smuggling of people to the United States of America.”

 Mr Mitchell said human smuggling in The Bahamas is a structural issue given the country’s location between the United States and Haiti.

 “We have a tourist economy which must balance ease of entry as against immigration controls and there’s every indication that The Bahamas is fully cognisant of the public policy on smuggling and on trafficking of persons and we adhere to all the international agreements,” he said.

 Meanwhile, Royal Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Raymond King acknowledged that human smuggling remains a vexing issue in the country.

 He said while interception of migrant vessels has been successful sometimes, it remains challenging to locate human smugglers.

“The challenge exists with Haitian migrants identifying the actual captain of the vessels despite the interrogation methods and profiling techniques,” he said. “Similar circumstances with the Cubans; much easier with the mixed migration in the Northern Bahamas because it’s usually a sole Bahamian onboard the vessels.”

 He said efforts are made to “interrogate cell phones found in migrant possessions,” but migrants throw most phones away at sea when authorities discover them. 


stillwaters says...

Fred, forgot how Jane Pauly destroyed Pindling during an interview on American television? That was during our 'nation for sale' era and the narrative was the same as this article....except it was mostly about Norman's Day , Joe Leder, and the PLP

Posted 1 August 2023, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

They say that getting involved is human smuggling is easy? America is something else. Americans smuggle people all across America and nothing is done about it. Americans kidnap people, shoot up schools and social venues, take drugs openly and homelessness abounds wherw businesses have to close. Their soft on crime approach frightens Bahamanians. They do not have the solution. America is the last to speak on anything . If you commit crime in America, you arw defended. If crime is committed against you, a law abiding citizen, you are ostracized and brow beaten. Fred Mitchell, stand up for us, you have my support.

Posted 1 August 2023, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Well then why doesn’t ole Freddie stand up by doing his job?
The US report on trafficking highlighted the fact that since Davis was elected, efforts to stem this scourge haven’t been successful.
Among other things they reported evidence that revealed Immigration officials weren’t interested in doing their job; indeed they’re making money to look the other way when employers bring in ‘lawfully’ recruited (possibly trafficked) workers, some w/o permits.
Furthermore they refuse to help them upon complaints of abuse and harassment.

Posted 1 August 2023, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

zemilou says...

A link to the article referenced above: "Dreams and Deadly Seas."…

Posted 1 August 2023, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 1 August 2023, 5:37 p.m.

SP says...

"Mitchell defends Bahamas’ efforts on smuggling"....... Lol.....Best joke of the century!

Posted 2 August 2023, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

He has to defend. He had oversight for the majority of the time... That's all I say

Posted 2 August 2023, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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