GB businessman Kenneth Symonette loses battle with cancer


Tribune Staff Reporter

Well-known Freeport businessman Kenneth Symonette died on Saturday in Grand Bahama after a battle with cancer. He was 63.

His death was a shock to his family and the many employees at the Burger King, Pizza Hut, and KFC franchise businesses, and at the Awards and Signs store, in Freeport.

“It has been a tremendous blow to us, we were not expecting it,” Pastor Elvis Burrows, his brother-in-law and business partner, said on Tuesday.

“Ken was an integral member of our family,” he added.

“I have come to know Ken for 40 years. He and I married two sisters, who are the daughters of the late Havard Cooper. And over the years he and I have grown to become real brothers and good friends.”

Mr Symonette grew up in Eleuthera and Bimini. He attended St John’s College in New Providence and worked at the Gaming Board.

He launched his bakery/pastry business in Freeport known as Mr Baker. The business flourished for many years.

He, along with his wife, Emil, was also integrally involved in the Cooper Burrows, and Symonette family franchise businesses.

Rev Burrows described Ken as a “businessman extraordinaire”.

“He was very a good businessman, customer-oriented and respectful to everyone, and he was one who I would say made a difference to the growth, success, and prosperity of the businesses, and he and I, and our wives operate the two businesses on Yellow Pine.

In addition to being a savvy businessman, Mr Symonette was described as a good Christian and family man.

“He served as the musical minister for eight years at Central Zion Church in Eight Mile Rock, and he always did things that brought the two families together. He was also a very selfless and kind-hearted individual who helped a lot of folks,” Mr Burrows recalled.

Mr Burrows accompanied his brother-in-law to Cuba for treatment about four months ago.

“I spent a week with him and we talked and got to really bond a little bit more and I can say without fear of contradiction that Ken will be missed by so many folks, not only those for whom he provided employment but those who he touched in church and the Grand Bahama community.”

Mr Symonette is survived by his wife, two children, Fallon and Noah; his daughter-in-law Andrea, and one grandson.

In a statement, Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis extended condolences to Symonette’s family, including his wife, Emil. He said Mr. Symonette’s achievement is an example of “a wonderful Bahamian story”.


jamaicaproud says...


Posted 10 August 2023, 12:55 a.m. Suggest removal

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