Pintard shows how not to lead

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Free National Movement (FNM), once a symbol of political strength and progress in the Bahamas, now languishes under the lackluster leadership of Michael Pintard. This period in the party’s history will likely be remembered as a time of missed opportunities, strategic blunders, and a glaring disconnect from the Bahamian electorate.

The recent by-election was more than a defeat; it was a resounding repudiation of the FNM’s relevance and resonance with the people of the Bahamas. This loss, in a constituency where success should have been well within reach, starkly highlights the party’s descent into political oblivion. The results were not just an indictment of their campaign strategy but a clear signal of the electorate’s growing disillusionment with a party that has lost its way.

Central to this decline is Michael Pintard’s leadership, or rather, the lack thereof. Pintard, who ought to have been a unifying and visionary figure, has proven to be anything but. His tenure is marked by a conspicuous absence of any inspiring vision or coherent strategy, leaving the party rudderless and the electorate disenchanted. In a political landscape that demands dynamism and foresight, Pintard’s leadership is woefully inadequate, characterised by indecision, a lack of direction, and an inability to galvanize support.

The ‘Minnis factor’ only adds to the FNM’s woes. The shadow of former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis looms large over Pintard’s leadership, creating a schism within the party that further undermines its unity and effectiveness. This internal power struggle is a distraction from the party’s core objectives and a testament to the current leadership’s inability to consolidate control and command respect within its own ranks.

Adding insult to injury is the FNM’s apparent crisis of accountability. Under Pintard’s leadership, there seems to be a refusal to confront the harsh realities of their political failings. This denialism is not just a leadership failure; it is an abdication of the responsibility to learn from past mistakes and adapt. The party’s refusal to acknowledge and critically address its shortcomings is a stark departure from the accountability that once defined its leadership.

Pintard’s approach towards the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has been equally baffling. His perceived leniency and lack of assertive opposition are not just strategic missteps; they are betrayals of the party’s foundational principles of robust and principled opposition. This approach alienates the FNM’s base and emboldens a government that should be held to account.

The contrast between the FNM’s storied past and its present state under Pintard is not just disappointing; it is a tragic squandering of the party’s legacy. The current leadership has steered the party away from its historical ethos of transformation and effective governance, plunging it into a state of irrelevance and ineffectiveness.

In conclusion, the FNM’s current trajectory under Michael Pintard is a case study in how not to lead a political party. The party’s failure to adapt, its internal divisions, and a leadership devoid of vision and accountability, have collectively orchestrated its downfall. Without immediate and radical changes in leadership and strategy, the FNM risks becoming a footnote in the annals of Bahamian political history, a stark reminder of the consequences of political complacency and misdirection.


December 4, 2023


birdiestrachan says...

Poor Mr Pintard he has now reduced himself to bragging he told mr munrow he may be a one time. But he Pintard will be back next election and in charge
He does not know that
No man knows the future. They said them and their profits they would win west end and Bimini seat they lied. Now all kinds of stuff comes out of their mouths

Posted 6 December 2023, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Their prophets were wrong Mr Maurice Moore was wrong even their papa now known as the heavy weight could not help
And no lies can change the facts

Posted 6 December 2023, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

The letter writer is obviously another Minnisite troll and shit stirrer who offers nothing coherent in his/her flagellation of Pintard.
The main reason Pintard cannot gain any traction stems from his constant undermining by the Minnisites , who like their idol, don’t seem to understand the emphatic rejection of Dr Minnis by the electorate and the FNM base as a whole in the last election.
Dr Minnis is like a spoilt child, if I can’t have what I want I’ll just ruin it for everyone else.
The FNM would be a whole lot better off if Dr Minnis were to stop being delusional about his chances of being Prime Minister again, accept his rejection by the electorate and the party base, and get a life outside of politics.

Posted 7 December 2023, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

This author is clueless if he thinks that seat was winnable for the FNM. All one needs to do is look at the voting history and realize that contest was over before it ever started. Pintard is not the next coming of Ingraham but the people who are calling for his head without even giving him a chance to contest a general election are clueless. All one needs to do is look at the British or Canadian Tories to realize what happens to parties that change leaders like underwear. At least give the man a chance to lead the party into an election and then can him if he under-performs.

Posted 7 December 2023, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

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