Straw vendors struggling despite record tourism rise


Tribune Staff Reporter

ALTHOUGH the country is hitting tourism records, some straw vendors say they are struggling.

Rebecca Small, president of the Straw Business Persons Society, told The Tribune yesterday that sales this Christmas season have been better than last year, but there are days when some vendors barely make any money.

She said yesterday several vendors worked all day and didn’t make $100. She said tourists aren’t spending much money at the downtown Straw Market.

 “One vendor told me she made $15 one day. The next day she came out, she made $25,” Ms Small said. “You could go on the other side of the market, you’ll find people who said they did well.”

 She said people wrongly believe the large number of cruise ship arrivals means big increases in sales.

 Mal Smith, a straw vendor of over a decade, said the number of cruise ships in town do not reflect the amount of money going into vendors’ pockets.

 “I’ve been out here from after 9am and I have yet to make $60,” she said yesterday afternoon. “So we have the people, but for me personally, I don’t have the money.”

 Ms Smith said she’s worried about making ends meet this Christmas season.

 “I am really stressed out because I have four kids in school that got to go back to school and everything,” she said. “And you know people come in and you want to give them a gift, you want to make them happy. But it’s not there. It’s rough.”

 Earlier this month, the Deputy Prime Minister said officials estimate that direct visitor spending in the Bahamian economy amid record tourist arrivals will “far exceed $6bn” this year, exceeding previous records.

 Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis later said in a statement that the country’s record-breaking eight million visitors this year is boosting national income, creating extensive employment, and stimulating various sectors of the economy.


M0J0 says...

It is sad, but explain to me why will tourist walk through a market where all are selling the same products, and everyone is fighting for a sale. The straw market needs to be revamped, new ideas and a new system. If you have things to attract, then you won't have to stress about the sales.

Posted 13 December 2023, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

There is very little product made in the Bahamas, most of what they offer for sale comes from other countries but they sell them saying that they are locally made.

Posted 13 December 2023, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

The vendors need to re-think their business plan. Travelers read all kinds of reviews of Straw Market googling on internet & read how low quality not made in the Bahamas goods being sold..
Last time I was there, horrified on how poor the products were.

Posted 13 December 2023, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

In addition to the Main Straw Market, --- Aren't there also Competing Straw Vendors out at Cable Beach and over on Paradise (Hog) Island. --- Yes?

Posted 13 December 2023, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

She lost my sympathy at 4 kids. WHY????

Posted 14 December 2023, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

And why do they always need to broadcast how many children they have......that's a personal choice, not our business.

Posted 14 December 2023, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

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