Playing dirty

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am sceptical about the global climate issue as I follow our Prime Minister and his international counterparts crusade around the world while travelling in one of the worst climate change guilty parties - the airplane.

This makes the subject of climate change look like a scam, because on the one hand – they are contributing to the climate change of which they talk - by flying here, there and everywhere; then they gather in person often in some country on the planet to tell us that action is needed now to reverse the unwelcome trend of climate change.

Why do the leaders of the world love to fly so much to various conferences around the globe when technology has advanced to the point where they can comfortably sit their backsides in their respective offices, and spill their guts on any issue of global concern with each other?

I suspect the answer to that is that all of them just simply love flying, and are arrogant enough to tell us, ‘Don’t do what we do – but what we say, do.’

It must be a dirty flying joke coming from a gang of climate change hypocrites who cannot stop flying around the globe on the world’s polluting jets.



December 12, 2023.


moncurcool says...


Posted 17 December 2023, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Not ONE media expert in this country wants to open the Pandora's box of WHAT is really been done to convert our carbon credits resources to tangible value added for Bahamian citizens.

We are hearing the stories of how the PM is setting up legislation to STEAL our carbon credits revenue for the inner circle of the political elite. ...... Where is the investigative journalism on this critical issue that will affect the ordinary man on the streets.

Posted 17 December 2023, 8:47 p.m. Suggest removal

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