The Bahamas going to join the cannabis club?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Marijuana/Cannabis policy in both Germany as in The Bahamas plans are in the works toward its legalisation. Of the 28 EU states, Malta has legalised cannabis use, but with hefty fines for smoking in the presence of children, minors and public smoking.

Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland all plan to establish State Legality Regulations. The RAND Corporation finalised an exhaustive, global, evidenced based report on all aspects of cannabis. It is extremely informative.

Uruguay first, and then Canada of the America nations have both legalised cannabis. Thailand has also legalised cannabis. Their policies and approaches reflect before and after data on youth drug use, quality control, education, research, recreational laws, medical use, taxes and black-market crime. The Bahamas, as in The EU, faces the very endemic prominent sub culture of sustained decades old cannabis popular culture.

On December 2, 2020, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs re-classified cannabis and cannabis resin to Schedule ‘I’ to recognise its medical value away from Schedule ‘IV’. However, the UN convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 still holds cannabis and cannabis resin within Schedule ‘IV’ which makes it illegal to cross borders. The Netherlands liberalised cannabis to allow use, but collects billions in taxes.

In the United States of America, cannabis is legal in 37 states for medicinal use, and legal for recreational use in 21 States. Under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the use and possession of cannabis is illegal under Federal Law which is Constitutional Primacy over individual State Laws.

According to MJBizDaily (23/6/22) 22.2 million Europeans consumed cannabis in the past year. lists 3.43 million recreational cannabis users in USA in 2020, set to almost double by 2025. Washington Post, Economic policy April 19, 2017 lists 55 million adults. YouGovAmerica, April 7 2022 gives a realistic breakdown.

Jamaica amended its Dangerous Drugs Act in 2015 and decriminalised the possession of cannabis for personal use under two ounces or less. Public consumption is forbidden by law. highlights Jamaica ganja Tourism as well as tax benefits to USA and EU where cannabis is legal.

Also, Terrence Nelson, a member of the USVI legislature, advocated that the region “should adopt and adapt cannabis as a Caribbean commodity” and called for the creation of a Caribbean cannabis trade organisation “to market Caribbean marijuana tourism”.

In 1988, the search within the brain for the “where” humans experience cannabis THC’s pleasure, high and relaxation lead to the discovery that we also produce similar chemicals called Endocannabinoids in that very location. Anandamide and 2AG play a role in feelings of happiness.

There is scientific and established evidence-based approach with results on the trajectory age groups and the impacts cannabis will have on mode, memory and stress levels. Without cannabis regulation the prenatal care will never be able to warn mothers who smoke. The impact of developing adolescent behaviour and education success which directly impacts literacy and adult maturity is a cause of concern. The trajectory and spectrum of effects upon different types of pains caused by cancers and injuries have all been researched as safe remedies, especially those in palliative survival only.

The University of Mississippi Research, Canadian Public Health Authority (CPHA), along with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)are global leaders in cannabis facts.

The PAHO after reviewing all data should also give some regional guidelines and safety advise. The safest way to treat cannabis is to not try it at all, and find peace and tranquility from God within us. We live in multi-generational homes and communities.

The Government of The Bahamas is not alone in the quest to make the best decision based on available evidence-based research data and the continued monitoring of those results in line with other responsible global stakeholders in governments and respective communities.



February 2, 2023


hrysippus says...

Cannabis has been used legally for thousands of years by countless numbers of people.
I know of no known deaths directly attributed to cannabis use. Please compare with deaths directly attributed to alcohol consumption. Also notice the huge numbers of deaths indirectly related to the excessive consumption of refined sugar. I can visit any grocery store and buy as much refined white sugar as I want; I can even supply it to children. I can visit any liquor store and easily buy enough alcohol to poison ten people with no questions asked. I can be arrested for possessing two grams of cannabis. Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

Posted 3 February 2023, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...


Posted 5 February 2023, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

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