PM ‘AS NORMAL’ DESPITE THREATS: Two anonymous calls warning of death for Davis


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis plans to continue his normal duties despite his office receiving two anonymous calls on Friday from someone who made death threats, prompting a full-blown investigation.

Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander said during an emergency press briefing at the Prime Minister’s office that the calls were made shortly after noon on Friday, adding that officers are following significant leads.

The caller in question is believed to be a man, he said, while describing the threat level as “high”.

“Both calls came in, one right after the other about 15 minutes apart, threatening to kill the nation’s leader,” Commissioner Fernander said.

“We, as Bahamians, it shouldn’t happen. When you’re talking about threatening the nation’s leader and we as Bahamians, how we got to this level in threatening individuals and you can go beyond the prime minister and individuals and we take this very seriously.”

Mr Davis had been apprised of the situation and remains in good spirits, according to the police chief.

“We are now viewing the threat level so we can put some additional security measures in place along with our law enforcement partner and the team here from the defence force and so we are on top of this,” Commissioner Fernander added.

He said police are working on phone tracing as well as looking into the caller’s nationality given the current political climate as a part of their investigations.

He also pleaded with those responsible for the calls “to stop now”, saying police will not tolerate it and will go after them with the full extent of the law.

On Wednesday, a group of Bahamians, led by Lincoln Bain, protested outside Parliament about the immigration “crisis” in the country.

A video of the protest circulated on social media.

In the video, a man in the crowd is heard threatening to kill Mr Davis.

Asked if he believed the two events could be connected, Commissioner Fernander said officers could not rule out the possibility and added that it was something they were following.

“Permit was approved for him (Lincoln Bain) to hold a peaceful protest down there and at some point, I myself will invite him to my office to have a word with him because he has to control his supporters,” Mr Fernander said.

Members of the COI have reportedly threatened to protest at next week’s CARICOM meeting, which will be held from February 15 – 17 under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Davis.

According to Commissioner Fernander, security will be tightened even further at the event to ensure the safety of all attendees given recent developments.

He also noted that increased saturation patrols and frequent road checks will continue as usual.

In the meantime, Mr Davis is still expected to continue his normal duties – though he will be under stricter security.

“While the threat against the prime minister is being taken seriously, it is the current assessment of the prime minister’s security team and the prime minister that he should continue with his normal duties and further assessments will be made once the investigation reveals further information,” press secretary Clint Watson said Friday.

Mr Davis also remains in “good spirits” and told reporters on Friday that business will continue as usual.

“This is just an example of what inflammatory and inciteful language produces. It produces atmosphere where people just do things that’s out of the ordinary and unfortunately, that’s the atmosphere that’s being created at the moment, but we will all get it done,” Mr Davis said.

“So, business as usual.”

This is not the first time a Prime Minister has been threatened, according to Commissioner Fernander.

“So, we are continuing to remain focused and do what we have to do,” he also said on Friday.


birdiestrachan says...

May the Good lord bless guide and protect
MR Davis he has a good heart for the Bahamas and its people need mind the doom and gloom folks who are quoted by the former every thing it appears as if the FNM write their editorial page

Posted 6 February 2023, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

You mean to tell me that the COP hasn't interviewed Lincoln the Lunatic and his merry band of fringe followers?? LOL.

Posted 6 February 2023, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

How is it that all the do nothing PM's are the ones with the death threats? Interesting!

Posted 6 February 2023, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Find that person, convict him with evidence, and make him an example by sending him to jail. If this person is willing to kill a sitting PM, what would he do to you and me if he doesn't like us or disagrees with our point of view? Persons like this individual are a danger to society He lacks respect.

Posted 6 February 2023, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

With the murder rate being what it is, all threats must be taken seriously. And if the person(s) who made the threats are identified and apprehended, their punishment must send a clear and stern message that this type of activity will not be tolerated in this country. The threatening of sitting members of government must not be tolerated.

Posted 6 February 2023, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

So the local chapter of fringe lunatic’s is now copying the playbook of the Trump Proud Boys fringe lunatics, monkey see, monkey do, 😂 lol

Posted 6 February 2023, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And if they didn’t say what the threats were about, then how can the PM know what to stop doing what is the offending actions.

Posted 6 February 2023, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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