HOUSE HALTED BY FNM PROTEST: Speaker suspends business as MPs chant ‘answer the questions'


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE House of Assembly was suspended yesterday morning after a screaming match erupted when Opposition Leader Michael Pintard chastised the government for avoiding the question and answer period in Parliament.

Shortly after House proceedings began, Mr Pintard questioned government MPs whether they intended to honour its commitment to allow for question time.

However, Obie Wilchcome, who is leader of government business in the House of Assembly, told parliamentarians he had informed Mr Pintard that the government intended to lay several bills and adjourn proceedings until February 20.

He said when they returned on that date, the government would answer questions posed by the opposition. 

However, Mr Pintard did not accept this explanation yesterday, saying he was assured that Parliament would proceed with question time during Wednesday’s sitting.

“Madame Speaker, we had missed numerous Wednesdays. We have no idea what will happen on the 20th. We believe that it is inappropriate that we are unable to get the government to live up to its word,” Mr Pintard said.

“We are not prepared to accept what the member has said. Let’s do the people’s work.”

The House of Assembly Rule 39 (2) states that unless the House determines otherwise, the House shall proceed, on the second Wednesday in each month, with the agenda that allows for question time.

However, governing parties have traditionally proceeded with their own agenda, thus not making time for the question period.

The Minnis administration was often criticised for their failure to observe question time when they were in office.

 Yesterday, Mr Pintard said the Davis administration liked to throw in others face what previous administrations had done, but noted that they appeared to have “one rule” for them and another for everyone else.

 Mr Wilchcombe again sought to reassure the opposition that they intended to honour its commitment.

 But Mr Pintard did not let up on his attack and told government MPs: “Why are you wasting our time?”

 Some government parliamentarians, such as Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell, then started shouting across the House floor and yelling “boo” at the opposition who responded. 

 House Speaker Patricia Deveaux was forced to intervene and eventually rose to her feet to try to bring order to the House; however, parliamentarians seated on both sides ignored her and continued to argue. 

 This prompted Speaker Deveaux to suspend the House for about ten minutes. 

 She warned: “When I get back, this House better be in order.”

 But, when House resumed, members of the opposition continued their attacks, chanting “answer the questions” while standing on their feet. 

 As their chants rang out, some opposition members banged on the table.

 Their behaviour did not stop House proceedings as government MPs sought to ignore them and even laid several bills in Parliament.

 However, reporters seated in the gallery were unable to hear what was being put on the table because of the loud chants and noises. 

 Several minutes later, the House was suspended to February 20.

 Following yesterday’s heated session, FNM MPs held a press conference outside Parliament to express their displeasure over what had transpired during Wednesday’s sitting. 

 “We are sick and tired of this government ducking the second Wednesday, but more importantly having given their word, going back on their word,” Mr Pintard said.

 “It is required in the procedures in the parliament that we have a second Wednesday where the opposition can ask the questions and they should give a full and complete answer.”

 “They have avoided this. Many times, they would say they get back to you and they don’t get back to you, but more importantly, we are not spending the quality time in the Parliament addressing crisis issues that the country face at the moment.” 

 “They intentionally avoid this particular time.” 

 FNM deputy leader Shanendon Cartwright echoed similar comments, pledging that the opposition will continue to stand up and speak out on behalf of the Bahamian people.

 “We are telling the government today that we will not go along with this,” he added.

 “We will speak up for the Bahamian people. We have an illegal immigration crisis that the government needs to talk about. There are so many issues affecting the Bahamian people and we are going to stand up.” 

 The FNM has placed more than 30 questions on the House of Assemly’s agenda for the Davis administration to answer.

 Some of the questions are related to the rollout of Freedom of Information Act, the affairs of Bahamas Power and Light, projects in the Ministry of Housing, among other things.

 The FNM also held a special meeting last night, updating their supporters over what happened.

 They also continued their criticisms, saying the government has failed to consult with the opposition.


AnObserver says...

Good for them!

Posted 9 February 2023, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

A new source of income... Days of Our Lives: The Parliament Edition - pay per view.

Posted 9 February 2023, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

These are supposed to be the role-model men young men should look up to.

Posted 9 February 2023, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Wow, a government of the Bahamas ignoring the conventions of the Westminster system, how surprising. Its the government's failing to live up to its current conventions that concerns me about ever supporting a switch of governance to a republic and it explains the disastrous state of this country.

The strong practice of transparent and fair democratic tradition is important for keeping democracy. How come I can watch PMQs in the UK every week and know all about their antics yet I couldn't even tell you where to find Bahamas parliamentary procedure.

The FNM are hypocrites, they only care and fuss while they are in opposition, yet run the same poor/dictatorial standards, while in government.

In our system Backbenchers are constantly threaten/not allowed to vote in constituency interest, our upper house is rigged to the government 9 to 7, we don't hold the PM accountable through PMQs, we allow speakers to remain in political parties, we don't have the ability to redress issues to parliament/ propose bills, we don't have a platform to see what our MPs vote for, we aren't given visual access to what goes on in parliament, civil servant are required to play political musical chairs. and when ever Bahamians protest we get threatened with incrimination and reports of tear gas acquisition.

What a lie, they don't follow the Westminster system, they do the opposite and what ever the hell they want. A bunch of useless and visionless oligarchs.

I say this as a young Bahamian, as long as I stay here I will never elect one of them again.

Posted 9 February 2023, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Spot on!!

Posted 9 February 2023, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM and all the Opposition splinter groups need to UNITE and go all the way ............ throw the Mace out of the window like 1965.

Brave dem are far worse than Pop & the UBP ever were ......... 242 is heading down the rabbit hole.

Posted 9 February 2023, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

@sheeprunner12. Rabbit hole, is that another name for toilet hole? If so, we've almost arrived at the cesspit.

Posted 9 February 2023, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

So Ever-Ready-Freddie started another fracas?
Just another episode proving neither sage experience nor sworn duty guides these jokers.

Posted 9 February 2023, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Tribune July 29th 2022 Mr Pintard said he was a part of a gang he has now brought the gang to the parliament , he is no Lynden Pindling nor is he a Milo Butler
No Police were called big difference The doc was not there he never answered questions

Posted 9 February 2023, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

A modest 20 minute search by a junior reporter into official documents, would've exposed **a pattern of boldfaced credibility flaws,** ---- Precisely the moment the Red Party, ---- Actually boldly stepped forward to take **full credit for laying the groundwork** that resulted in FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried's decision be relocating FTX "Hong Kong'** to set up BTX's **Bahamian Headquarters.

Such disappointment was visibly accompanied with real crocodile-like tears when describing the degree of the Red Party's *disappointment** ---- After it surfaced that Sam Bankman-Fried, ---- Would under a Brave" premiership,**not be basing** its Crypto Currency Exchange Headquarters **on another particular island other than Nassau Town.**

Comrades, not making up the Red Party's, **early excitement over its role played** in attracting what was later to become FTX Bahamas,, ---- Yes?

Posted 9 February 2023, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

From the way these politicians from both parties along with the media try to restrict free speech it's clear as day that our country is quickly heading toward a dictatorship. It seems like politicans have a problem when journalist or regular civilians question their actions in public office.

Posted 9 February 2023, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

Both major political parties play the cynical game with the public. When in opposition they call for transparency. When they are in government, they are very secretive.

This is the same theatrical performance the PLP Is also put on. Like the commentator Flying Fish said,this is not the Westminster system of government,we have in the Bahamas. You can watch the Canadian and British parliaments question times and you will see the difference. Bahamians love power and control and don't understand governance and management.

Posted 9 February 2023, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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