Police may be placed at school after stabbing


Tribune Staff Reporter


AFTER a high school student was stabbed on campus in Abaco this week, Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin said she’s asked officials to consider placing police officers at the school where the incident occurred.

Police reported yesterday that a 17-year-old student in Abaco was stabbed by another student of the same age while on the playing field.

Officers did not name the school where the stabbing took place, but said the incident happened around 10am on Tuesday.

The victim was taken to a local clinic after the incident and was treated and later discharged. 

Meanwhile, a 17-year-old student is in custody and assisting police with their investigations.

Commenting on the stabbing yesterday, Mrs Hanna-Martin noted that violence is an ongoing issue in the country, which, she said, is now “spilling” into school campuses. 

 She also expressed concern about the incident in Abaco and added that officials are now reviewing it to see how they can strengthen campus safety there. 

 “We’ve put police officers, specialised trained officers on the campuses,” she said.

 “Now, I was advised yesterday, there is not one on that particular campus and so I’ve asked them to review that, and revisit that but these police officers do more than just police the campus.”

 “They engage in mentorship, they do lectures on anger management, etc. It appears to be from what we’re seeing a very useful programme and statistics are showing a decline in incidents and on those campuses where those officers are.”

 “And as I’ve indicated, they’re specialised, they’re not just police officers and so we have to keep an eye on it, we got to keep out until we are able to ensure that we stabilise campuses.”

 She noted that parents also have a role to play. 

 “We need all hands-on-deck,” the minister continued. “But we’re doing all that we can to ensure that the campuses are as safe as they are, but it requires collaborative efforts and we’re now reviewing that particular school in Abaco.”

 “Abaco has added complications, which include Dorian. The schools were closed for three years. There’s trauma that’s been associated with that and so there are a lot of issues. It’s not an easy road, but we are doing all that we can to confront the issue.”

 The incident comes as concerns continue about teacher shortages on the island, particularly at government schools. 

 Teachers there have also complained that a lack of staff has made it difficult for them to closely monitor the students.

 Yesterday, Mrs Hanna-Martin acknowledged concerns about staff shortages and admitted that the ministry is challenged in finding specialty teachers to go to various schools. 

 “But we’re working with that,” the minister added, “and we’re now talking about expanding our scope in the recruitment of teachers and so those issues are being addressed … but wherever we know there is any form of deficit, we have sought to fill them through the virtual school which is not ideal … but it’s a stop gap measure while we ensure that we get teachers there.”

 “The other problem is the processing of teachers through the bureaucracy and it’s proven to be very challenging and that is an area - we discussed it yesterday – that’s under reform. That’s a major issue in the efficiency in meeting the demands of the education.”


Sickened says...

Well I'm sure that everyone knows who did the stabbing so the attempted murderer should be in jail for life and God willing be hung in a couple of years, so we wouldn't have to worry about that animal doing it again. So unless there is a gang issue at that school and the fear of some revenge taking place, a policeman won't do much good after the fact.

Posted 9 February 2023, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Here we go again. Police in schools is a band-aid over a bleeding artery with pure politics behind it from the plp and the fnm. What you need to do is teach manners and respect for life and property because the sperm and egg donors don't know the first thing about parenting. Otherwise, this will continue.

Posted 9 February 2023, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Father's Day cards and Mother's Day cards should be against the law in the Bahamas - Customs should prosecute and ship, plane, or person in possession of one when entering the country.

Posted 9 February 2023, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

“But we’re working with that,” the minister added, “and we’re now talking about expanding our scope in the recruitment of teachers and so those issues are being addressed … but wherever we know there is any form of deficit, we have sought to fill them through the virtual school which is not ideal … but it’s a stop gap measure while we ensure that we get teachers there.”

What rock do these people live under? Nobody wants to teach in Habaco because you need to speak two languages. When persons are taken off the boat by Immigration, they should be asked if they were a teacher back home - and if yes, then shipped immediately to Habaco and somebody put a chalk in their hand. Problem solved.

Posted 9 February 2023, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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