Wilchcombe slams FNM"s parliament protest


Tribune Staff Reporter


OBIE WILCHCOMBE, the leader of government business, on Friday blasted the Free National Movement’s protest in parliament, describing it as just a “show” and a misuse of the media.

“It was more theatre, it was just (them) trying to cut (a) movie, it wasn't real. That was just a show and it was a show just to get some media attention,” Mr Wilchcombe said.

Mr Wilchcombe,the Minister of Social Services, spoke to reporters on Friday days after the House of Assembly was suspended to February 20. However, the suspension was criticised by the opposition as they lambasted the government for avoiding the question and answer period in Parliament.

He claimed the FNM aimed to get the media’s intention through their “theatre”-like behaviour in Parliament last Wednesday.

Mr Wilchcombe assured reporters the opposition will get a period to ask all of their questions once the House reconvenes, adding there is an ongoing feud within the opposition that is resulting in their “unnecessary” course of actions.

“We will give them the whole day to answer questions and to deal with a select committee that they're asking for, for them to debate.

“Now, tell me in the last 20-30 years when that's happened, it's not happening with anyone, so we did it. And I was surprised at the behaviour.”

He continued: “So you walk away understanding that we're in the middle of an ongoing feud within their party the FNM. And I believe that everyone wants to show that I'm the better one to lead. I think that's why you're seeing that kind of performance, it was unnecessary.”

During the uproar in Parliament’s last session, House Speaker Patricia Deveaux intervened and eventually rose to her feet to try to bring order to the House.

However, parliamentarians seated on both sides ignored her and continued to argue. This prompted Speaker Deveaux to suspend the House for about ten minutes.

But, when House resumed, members of the opposition continued their attacks, chanting “answer the questions” while standing on their feet.

As their chants rang out, some opposition members banged on the table.

Mr Wilchcombe chastised the behaviour of the opposition towards the House Speaker.

“And more still the Speaker of the House is the leader of the House. If the Speaker of the House makes a ruling, you're supposed to accept the ruling. If the Speaker stands, you sit.

“If she sits and says that we return to order, you're not supposed to demonstrate unruly behavior,” he stressed.

In recent times, the FNM has called the Davis administration “undemocratic”.

The opposition has also claimed the government has ignored answering questions of the public’s interest.

However, Mr Wilchcombe pointed out the former administration's failure to have a question and answer period during their term in office.

“Check the record, you'll see that in the last term, under the Hubert Minnis administration, 30-plus questions were left on the table and never answered.”

He argued the opposition is looking for ways to “misuse” the media.

The minister added: “I think the opposition just trying to find ways to, in fact, in my view, misuse the media because I don't think that's genuine. Because at the end of the day, Where were your voices before? You weren't concerned about democracy before when you sat in cabinet? You said nothing.”

Currently, the FNM has placed more than 30 questions on the House of Assemly’s agenda for the Davis administration to answer.

Some of the questions are related to the rollout of Freedom of Information Act, the affairs of Bahamas Power and Light, projects in the Ministry of Housing, among other things.

The FNM also held a special meeting last night, updating their supporters on what happened.

They also continued their criticisms, saying the government has failed to consult with the opposition.


hrysippus says...

Obediah feels he must protest , while living high on the hog like all the rest, . Free Luch and dinner every day, ... While our taxes pay for his holiday, . . Luxury hotel and first-class seat, . . . And every meal at least two meat, ... . . While his ministry caters to the poor, , ,,, ,, Minsters most care about getting more.... . .. ..sigh.

Posted 11 February 2023, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Consult with the opposition about what ? .

Posted 11 February 2023, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Whataboutisms advance a defensive (and lame) narrative.
Obie needs to direct his impotent ire towards those on his side of the bench who started the cat calling, though that Freddie-Boy is never round when accountability comes a-knocking!!

Posted 12 February 2023, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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