Why can’t Finance collect property tax?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PM says we are collecting 40 percent of the whole due from Real Property Tax - the FNM and then the PLP governments re-assessed New Providence and found, so they say, and it is reported that thousands are not registered and hundreds with enormous arrears… didn’t they say $600m?

Pre-FNM government PLP had a revenue enhancement section… FNM got rid of that and seemingly tax delinquency increased by leaps and bounds… PLP back in office reinstated enhancement, but even that has not been successful.

Finance… take a full page advertisement in Tribune and Guardian and list the persons who you wish to speak to with regards to tax arrears… simply list names and ask those listed to contact Finance within ten days.

You will be shocked by what a positive reaction you will have… talk about collecting?

Whilst on taxes… PM - Minister of Health be sensible and don’t push for the collection of VAT on more aspects of health… obvious public reaction will be to seek medical services in Florida… we already spend over $1 billion can the reserves withstand further erosion and impact?

We should be doing the opposite, support our excellent medical sector and retaining at least 50 percent of that billion we give to Florida medical services… this VAT on insurances is a fool thought anyway… the cost savings to government is enormous… it is not only the middle-class that will be hot those in group Plus from the receptions up will be.



February 7, 2023.


GodSpeed says...

What happens if you don't pay property tax in the US?
You lose your property.
What happens if you don't pay property tax in the Bahamas?
That's why.

Posted 13 February 2023, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

Precisely, also the government there keeps accurate tax and property records.
They refuse to send out anyone to properly collect data and surveys on land ownership & who owns what.

Posted 14 February 2023, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Indeed, they don't even know who owns what because of bad record keeping. They're so incompetent they can't run a property tax collection operation. Not that I believe property tax should exist in a capitalist society anyway.

Posted 14 February 2023, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

1pnewman says...

You don't think property tax should exist but even more so, not in a capitalist society. Whoah!! So tell me Adam Smith without property tax how would you pay for roads, schools etc and basic infrastructure on this tax income starved island? Its not like we are overflowing with other means of income beyond VAT. I mean every industrialised country has some type of property tax for this reason. Perhaps you know something they dont.

Posted 14 February 2023, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

That's easy, income tax. There are quite a few island countries that don't have property tax.

Posted 15 February 2023, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

1pnewman says...

You obviously have not thought about the ramifications of income tax on this island, to make such an inane comment. The impact it would have not just on foreigners but also on Bahamians themselves.

Posted 7 March 2023, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

Tyler Technologies was contacted to modernize the real property tax system. Their work was set back when the Minnis administration terminated their contract. Of course ,the Minnis administration had to restart the project and re-engage Tyler Technologies. The reason you don't have a proper land registry in this country is the resistance of certain elements of the Bar Association

Posted 14 February 2023, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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