Alcohol, drugs and gambling

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In Jesus put all your trust, all your belief, and all your heart. Not in alcohol, drugs and gambling, or any destructive vice. Just because God has given man the fruit of the earth for sustenance, this doesn’t mean God is the Creator of the alcoholic beverages and pain killers man makes from it. God created the grapes, but not the fermented wine. God created the marijuana plant, but not the joint used for smoking or the medicinal medication. Through the perversion of the gift, God gave man, the devil corrupted his nature.

All human suffering and woes grow on one tree, but this tree has several different branches:

  1. Physical or natural calamities beyond the control of man, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or fires;

  2. Conscious or ignorant violation of natural law;

  3. The result of wrong moral decisions bringing blight and sorrow;

  4. Selfishness – which is at the root of the trouble we bring on ourselves and our fellowman.

The tree which supports all these branches is called “SIN.”

Our ancestors, including past and present politicians, have walked a long treacherous journey for freedom, liberty and equality for all. They marched against the vices which include alcohol, drugs, gambling and marijuana to name a few. Only to have some of the same politicians, lawyers, religious leaders, and former Governors General re-enslave our people by talking about legalizing these vices. This is the reason why dishonesty and corruption proliferates in our country; and the reason why 90% of our politicians don’t comprehend how the world works.

There was a documentary on “the legalisation of marijuana,” watched in one of the US States. During the documentary, a reporter asked a US official about the negative effect marijuana had on its users, and the officials’ reply was “the profit is worth the risk".

In essence, all who are in agreement with the legalisation of marijuana is saying just that - that the profit is worth the risk.

When I look around from the 1980s to present, I see destruction and grief suffered by many families. There are millions of dollars invested in commercials to induce our people to these vices. We can only pray for a generation ready to take a stand against these destructive vices.

Beware my friend, my name is marijuana, alcohol, tobacco and gambling. We entered this country illegally without a passport, ever since then, we have been hunted and sought by the DEU, Interpol, junkies and pushers and plain clothes officers, mostly by users who need a quick fix.

We are more valued than diamonds, more treasured than gold.

Use us just once and you too will be sold:

We’ll make a school boy and school girl forget their books;

We’ll make a beauty queen neglect her looks;

We’ll take a renowned speaker and make him a bore;

We’ll take mama and papa, and make them stoop lower;

We’ll make a school teacher forget how to teach;

We’ll make a preacher, not want to preach.

All kinds of people have fallen under our wing;

Just look around, and you can see the results of our sting;

We’ve got daughters and sons turning on their parents

We’ve got burglars robbing the Lord’s House

We’ve got husbands and wives pimping their spouse.

We are the king of vacillation, anarchy and crime, and the prince of destruction.

We’ll cause the organs of your body to malfunction;

We’ll cause your babies to be born hooked

We’ll turn the most honest of men into crooks;

We’ll make you rob, steal and kill

When you’re under our power you have no will.

Remember my friend, our names are marijuana, alcohol, tobacco and gambling.

We’ve destroyed actors, politicians and sports heroes;

We’ve decreased bank accounts from millions to zero;

We’re a bad habit, too tuff for the man

We’re laughing at you now …. By the power of your own hands, you are destroying your life.

We’re the secret of the decline of one of the greatest world empires the world has ever known. GOLDEN BABYLON ruled the world from 626 to 539 BC.

Yeah, we’re raising hell in your country and all over the earth

Don’t believe us just check us out you quack (I didn’t say crack)

We’ve made it where, shooting and stabbings are common on the block.

Well, now you know, what will you do?

Remember my friend, it’s all up to you.

If you decide to jump in our saddle you better ride us well.

For on the pale horse of marijuana, alcohol, tobacco and gambling, we’ll ride you straight to HELL!

We live in one of the most sophisticated societies that have ever existed. Why have we subjected ourselves to this level?


February 13, 2023


Porcupine says...

Your viewpoint quite scares me. and illustrates why some people turn to drugs and alcohol. It may be merely to escape viewpoints like yours. Would the world be a better place if we followed your advice?
Highly unlikely.

Posted 19 February 2023, 6:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

It the viewpoint that people surrender and sell themselves to dependency and that being cool that is sad. They make their lives meaningful and reliant on activities and substances that only shallows their pocket and shortens their lifespan. Substance which can come and go, yet quite often they find themselves not able to function without. They become slaves and wh***s to temporary things. Encouraging this dependency is only hurt families in this country.

Posted 20 February 2023, 9:56 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The Medical Board of The Bahamas sure did shamefully and criminally exercise 100% delinquency by remaining silent in the face of The American Association of Psychiatry declared Gambling DSM-5 and as equal an addictive threat as cocaine. Cocaine use cannot be moderated so too Gambling. The difference being, cocaine is a substance that 100% impacts the reward centers of the brain well, does Gambling, only, it is a personal behavior that makes one as powerless. No wonder Gambling earned 7 billion dollars fir gaming houses which is 7 billion dollars lost to families and workers. The Medical Board and all related Associations remained quiet and delivered the deadly medicine of gambling upon our people. Each year the doctors at Sandilands declare Gambling an addiction according to WHO/PAHO/UN declarations. Gambling creates mental diseases whereby persons smile while spending the last of their mortgage money, childcare, nutrition, utility bills, ferments massive prostitution debilitated spiritual and academic pursuits, destroys the self, family and lived ones further the social activities (Canada Association of Mental Health) of parents who encourage children to gamble, those end up totally addicted. Gambling becomes breakfast, lunch, dinner and prayer time with extatic dreams of a win same as cocaine addicted persons.

Posted 22 February 2023, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

This writer has gone too far on ignoring the fact that this human body and mind ails and could be mended to alleviate sufferings of mental and physical pain, injury and death. Throughout history God has given mankind the will and wisdom to seek unseen spirituality to be aware of his presence, breathe air, eat food, drink water or use natural products to preserve life. If a wound is treated with the correct leaf the most ancient if man preserved human and feed animal life. To deny the most ancient gift of service, love and the preservation of life through medicine must be questioned upstairs. Could oxygen if abused kill? yes. So to too much water or food all fir the sustenance of life. Could a blood transfusion or operation save life? Well that has been the quest of civilization. Even dogs like their wounds. Being philosophical about science and religion is dangerous.

Posted 22 February 2023, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The Bahamas Medical Association has billions to gain by enforcing Problem Gambling initiatives rather than let the gaming houses run their own program.

Posted 22 February 2023, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

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