EDITORIAL: Govt should be applauded for egg project

FOR many years, some farmers have felt that governments have only paid them lip service when it comes to giving the industry a solid footing.

Some of that doubt seems to be lifting – and projects such as the “Golden Yolk” initiative seem to be playing a part in that.

The government is committing $15m with a laudable goal of trying to make our nation self-sufficient when it comes to egg production.

If it works, egg production in our nation will climb from 700,000 a year to 28 million. And we will be able, if we wish, to cease importing eggs entirely.

For all the talk about trying to reduce food imports, there has often been a lack of significant progress in doing so.

The good thing about this project is that it is an attainable goal – and the results will be very visible.

Once we see we no longer need to import eggs, then what next? If we can do it with eggs, what other areas can we make ourselves self-sufficient in?

So credit where it is due for picking a target and backing up the talk with investment.

There will be grants for farmers and $1m in funding for equipment and to support livestock farming.

In return, we will be able to cut our food import bill – by $12.5m, the government anticipates – and support local producers.

There should be about 90 jobs created by the project, with half of those in the Family Islands.

As well as the tangible benefits, there is the sense of encouragement the project brings to farmers.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis talked yesterday about how previous administrations have lamented the amount of food being imported at about 90 percent – but that despite those complaints, that number has not changed.

Well, this project at least puts money where our mouths are. Will that push the needle away from that 90 percent figure? We shall see – but if we are shopping for eggs from Eleuthera or Long Island, at least we know we are supporting our fellow Bahamians.

We look forward to the outcome of the project.

Prison support

While we are applauding laudable actions, we must credit the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services for the addition of four new psychologists.

The issue of crime is one that never seems to go away, but increasing the opportunity for prisoners to find ways to become rehabilitated may just prevent them from offending again once they return to society.

There are those among the prison population who if perhaps they had been afforded help earlier might not have committed the crimes that saw them behind bars. There are those preparing for release who if given guidance before emerging from the prison gates might find it a helping hand to stay on the straight and narrow.

And there are those who need that help just to get through the day-to-day of prison life.

Beyond a doubt there are those who are in prison to serve the punishment they deserve for the crimes they commit.

If our goal is to prevent a repeat of crimes as prisoners are released, however, then this may be a useful step.


birdiestrachan says...

Mental illness is a serious matter , but it appears to be very , common, I doubt anyone decided this fate it seems to be a deep matter and it may go through generations

Posted 28 February 2023, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Now instead of importing eggs, we will import the chickens to lay the eggs?

Posted 2 March 2023, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Sounds like another BAMSI.

Posted 3 March 2023, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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