'We need a new court complex’


Tribune Staff Reporter


CHIEF Justice Ian Winder has reignited calls for the construction of a new modern court complex, saying the time for a “complete judicial complex” has long passed as current facilities are ill suited and in a state of disrepair.

The country’s top judge lamented the state of infrastructure at the courts while speaking during the opening of the 2023 legal year at the Pointe yesterday.

He said roofs in some buildings are mouldy and leaking and also highlighted the issue of flooding.

“We continue to lament the state of our infrastructure,” Justice Winder said. “The court campus is spread out in many separate buildings across the city of Nassau, between Nassau Street, and East Street. Most of these buildings have long exceeded the optimal usefulness as court facilities.”

“Our physical plant has not kept pace with the growth of the bench, increased size of the bar, the workload of the court and security threats which were not envisioned when these buildings were first commissioned.

“By way of example, the main Supreme Court building had a new roof installed to the old structure some nine years ago. On December 27, 2022, just before the new year, excess water was unable to properly drain from the roof and for the second time in less than six months since I was appointed chief justice, the entire building flooded.”

 Due to flooding, ceiling tiles, light fixtures, furniture as well as court files and judges’ personal property have been destroyed, he continued.

 Thus, the main Supreme Court building is not suited to be a court facility, Justice Winder conceded, adding “its best use unfortunately today is as a museum.”

 “The annex one building, formerly known as Ansbacher House, which houses seven Supreme Courts, and annex two, which houses five courtrooms above the Central Police Station are in no better shape,” the chief justice also said.

 “They’re both plagued with mould and continually leaking roofs. Annex one, another historically significant structure, being the former site of BITCO was acquired during the leadership of Sir Michael. This building is over 75 years old and poses serious structural concerns.

 “Cars no longer park under the building due to concerns from spalling concrete. They both provide genuine lessons in the challenges of trying to repurpose existing spaces into courtrooms.”

 Justice Winder said successive chief justices have, over the years, spoken about the need to construct a new complex to house the Magistrate’s Court, the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal and agreed that the time has long passed.

 He also expressed hope that their wishes will be fulfilled soon.

 “The attorney general, myself and the prime minister have met specifically on this issue and I am assured that the nature of the challenge is understood, and that the government will seek to procure for the judiciary a complete modern court complex in the very short term,” he said.


Sickened says...

Sounds like Sebas (our King) will soon be getting a contract to build and court complex.

Posted 12 January 2023, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Apparently John Ray III has his extensive team of forensic investigators looking into the financing obtained by Deltec from SBF/FTX to fund its acquisition of the aged and dilapidated Ansbacher House from property holding entities controlled by the U.S. born Greek and his Bahamian sidekick early last year.

Posted 12 January 2023, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

When these fools come up with an answer of what will be put in its place and why the money can't be used to make the repairs instead of building a whole new building, I might consider their statements. How many new buildings are we gonna build and then in 20-40 years knock them down because 'oh they get mouldy and water leaking tru da roof'.

Do they not know how to take care of buildings. There are 500 year old buildings in Europe in better condition than the 20 year offices we build. You know that one of them would suggest knocking down Government House to build a bigger and better building. The condition we allow Bay St to be in and the solution this government has to fixing the problem, let it burn down or knock it down to rebuild a cheap tourist shop selling t-shirt souvenirs, is a disgrace.

If the heritage of this country is treated like garbage no wonder we fail to treat anything else with care.

Posted 12 January 2023, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Stand in line. We need a new everything in this country

Posted 12 January 2023, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Oh, by the way, you'll need to get rid of those silly wigs and costumes.Do they wear them in England anymore?

Posted 12 January 2023, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

I wonder if they know how stupid they look in that rig-up attire and ratty looking white crap on their heads......what's with that? Is it a sign of high intelligence they're trying to portray? We need to do better with actually doing some hard work instead of focusing so hard on how we look.

Posted 12 January 2023, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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