Thursday, January 12, 2023
Tribune Staff Reporter
SOCIAL Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe said officials are hoping to have consultations wrapped up regarding marital rape legislation in the next several weeks.
The minister gave an update to reporters on consultation and the marital rape legislation outside Parliament yesterday.
“We’re still waiting,” he said. “We haven’t completed (it) yet. We are to move with the president of the Bahamas Baptist Missionary Educational Convention. He wanted to meet with us to discuss a few matters and with members of his church and leadership, we’re waiting for that date.
“We’re hoping to have it done very shortly because in March we intend to have a national women’s convention that will coincide with International Women’s Day.”
“So we want to have some of the things completed by then.”
He responded to criticism of the church being over consulted on the matter.
“Well, we should over consult the country at all times — it doesn’t matter whether it’s a church or the Bahamian people. It’s always best to do it right the first time so you won’t have to come back and do it again. If we can cause for greater dialogue in our country, I believe that more would be had in our country in a positive way.”
Asked for a timeline on the consultation, Mr Wilchcombe said he is hoping over the next several weeks before the end of the month.
The West Grand Bahama and Bimini MP also spoke about the increases in child neglect and abandonment.
According to data released by the Ministry of Social Services, there were 240 new reported cases of child abuse, neglect and abandonment documented between January and October of last year.
He also commented on the recent reports of the sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl and work to protect children as well as strengthening laws.
“We do have an issue, we’ve seen an increase in the number of abandonment, we see an increase in a number of neglect (cases), whether it’s verbal, whether it’s abuse or sexual. We’ve seen a number of increases over the last several months, particularly, as we saw the prices, inflation increase,” the minister said.
“The levels of poverty are obviously reflective, and they’ve been high levels of depression in our country as well. We believe that relates to a number of the issues that we are seeing. What we want to do is begin a very massive educational campaign to move people away from negativity.”
Sickened says...
He can't be serious about waiting for a religious zealot to opine on law? The people have spoken on this and it is clear what the people want.
Posted 12 January 2023, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
All talk and no do.
Posted 12 January 2023, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Do not forget that this is the same man who went down to T&C to attend the wedding of the then premier. Perhaps some people need to reminded as to what subsequently happened to that particular marriage and that particular premier.
Posted 12 January 2023, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal
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