UPDATED: Man found with gunshot injuries after police officers shot earlier at same location

HOURS after two off-duty police officers were shot on Marshall Road, the dead body of a man was found in the exact location.

Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson said a resident noticed the man lying in the grass, feet away from his home, shortly after 8am while getting ready for work. Officers responding to the scene found gunshot wounds on his body.

Police believe the man attended a function in the area last night that attracted close to 300 people and was shot around the same time as the officers. CSP Johnson said it is too early to tell if the man was involved in the shooting.

Investigators expect to speak to the officers this morning to learn more about what happened.

Asked why the man’s body was left in the grass, CSP Johnson said there was no lighting at night where the body was found.


ThisIsOurs says...

So these officers were not on duty. They were at a pool party. The witnesses will say if they responded as officers or if they were part of an altercation. We need to stop excusing behaviour because someone was in a uniform or associated with an armed branch

Posted 3 July 2023, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The recent incidents of police-involved murders and concerns about the decay within the RBPF (Royal Bahamas Police Force) are alarming and require urgent attention. Law enforcement agencies must uphold high standards of discipline, professionalism, and accountability to ensure public safety and maintain public trust.

It is important for the leadership of the RBPF to openly acknowledge these issues and demonstrate a commitment to addressing them. This includes investigating the root causes of the decay and implementing necessary reforms. Political authorities also play a crucial role in overseeing and ensuring the integrity of law enforcement agencies by actively engaging with public concerns and collaborating with the police force to implement preventive measures.

Rebuilding public trust in the RBPF requires a comprehensive approach. This includes revisiting recruitment and training processes, enhancing internal accountability mechanisms, promoting community policing, and fostering a culture of professionalism and respect within the force. By addressing the issues of decay and incompetence head-on, the RBPF can work towards restoring public faith and ensuring the safety and security of all citizens.

Leadership within the RBPF is essential in addressing the organization's decay. Effective leadership sets the tone, establishes expectations, and fosters a culture of professionalism, accountability, and integrity. Leaders must take responsibility for the conduct of their officers, promptly addressing instances of misconduct and implementing preventive measures. Recruitment and training processes should prioritize qualified candidates and ongoing development to ensure officers possess the necessary skills and ethical decision-making abilities.

Leaders must foster an environment of trust, open communication, and accountability within the organization. Officers should feel comfortable reporting misconduct and providing feedback without fear of retribution. Robust internal mechanisms for monitoring and addressing potential issues should be in place to maintain professionalism.

A leadership approach that views the public as an enemy and ignores decay and corruption is detrimental to public safety. Leaders must confront these issues, hold all members accountable, and establish systems for reporting and addressing misconduct. Prioritizing professional development and training ensures officers are equipped to carry out their duties effectively and with integrity.

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Posted 3 July 2023, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Concerns about public safety arise when there is a perceived decay and a culture resembling 'gangism' within the RBPF. In such situations, there is a risk of vigilantism emerging on the streets as a response to perceived failures in the official law enforcement system. This can disrupt social order and escalate violence and conflicts within the community.

To address these concerns, it is crucial for authorities to promptly and transparently tackle the issues of decay and corruption within the RBPF. A functional and trustworthy law enforcement agency upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens is vital for public safety. Open dialogue, transparency, and effective mechanisms for reporting and addressing misconduct are necessary to rebuild and maintain public trust. Collaboration between the community and law enforcement agencies is also essential to foster mutual understanding and address crime effectively.

It is possible that the issues observed within the RBPF could be influenced by aspects of its training. Law enforcement training plays a critical role in shaping the behavior, mindset, and skills of police officers. If there are deficiencies or inadequacies in the training provided to RBPF officers, it could contribute to the challenges and decay within the organization.

Training programs for law enforcement should aim to equip officers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and ethical framework to carry out their duties effectively and with integrity. This includes training in conflict resolution, de-escalation techniques, community policing, cultural sensitivity, and the proper use of force.

If the training provided to RBPF officers does not adequately address these areas or fails to instill a culture of professionalism and respect for human rights, it could have an impact on their behavior in the field. Inadequate training may result in officers resorting to excessive force, engaging in misconduct, or lacking the necessary skills to handle challenging situations appropriately.

It is crucial for law enforcement agencies to regularly assess and update their training programs to align with best practices and evolving societal needs. This includes incorporating principles of community engagement, accountability, and cultural competency. By investing in comprehensive and ongoing training, law enforcement agencies can promote a positive organizational culture and ensure that officers are equipped to serve and protect the public effectively.

Posted 3 July 2023, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...


Posted 3 July 2023, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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