Operation Potcake returns with objective to spay or neuter 3,200 cats and dogs

OPERATION Potcake, an effort to spay or neuter dogs and cats around New Providence, will return in January for the first time in ten years.

The project will last 11 days, from January 17 to 28, and the objective will be to spay or neuter 3,200 animals.

Kim Aranha, president of the Bahamas Humane Society, sent The Tribune a press release announcing that Operation Potcake 2024 will feature an alliance among the Bahamas Humane Society, Baark and Animal Balance, with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Veterinary Medical Association of the Bahamas and the Ministry of Tourism.

“Operation Potcake is back to help get a handle on the vast numbers of unwanted dogs and cats being born yearly, over-populating the island of New Providence and causing so much suffering,” the statement said.

“Operation Potcake is an intensive spay and neuter programme taking place right here on New Providence. There will be four large clinics set up in the hot spots of the island where the most roaming dog population is located. It has been proven over and over again that spay and neuter is the only reliable method to reduce the animal population in a lasting manner.

“Animal Balance is the organisation that assisted in the first Operation Potcake in 2013. They specialise in spay and neuter clinics for island nations. With their assistance, we will welcome medical teams who will come to The Bahamas to assist us in getting the numbers we need to in order to make a difference.

“There will be many ways that the general public can assist and help to make OP a success. We will need volunteers to help us with providing refreshments for all four teams, transportation of people and animals to and from clinics, help in the clinics, laundry, publicity, registrations, and many other tasks.

“If you are interested in being part of the solution and wish to help Operation Potcake, please contact operationpotcake242@gmail.com and together we can decide what is best suited to your time and skills.

“January will be upon us in no time, and we want to make sure everybody who wants to participate and is able to, can sign up with us.”


bahamianson says...

Humans, also.

Posted 3 July 2023, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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