Soaring water demand squeezes bottle supply

Water suppliers yesterday said they are running out of one-gallon bottles as quickly as they restock since the extra hot summer means consumers are demanding “way more water”.

Shaquille, a manager at Chelsea’s Choice, said the manufacturer is selling out of one-gallon water bottles shortly after restocking due to increased demand from Family Island clients and increased summer temperatures.

He said: “We are out of gallon water bottles. We have boat orders, and they ordered a lot of water. Soon as our one gallons come in stock they go. It’s about the heat. They are asking for way more water. We had gallons earlier but they are all gone. As soon as they come out, they go. We will have some more in the morning.”

Geron Gibson, manager at Echo, said that while the company currently has one-gallon water bottles in stock it has been experiencing machinery “challenges” and is not producing at full capacity. He added that one-gallon water bottles have been selling quickly as soon as they are restocked.

“I think we have one-gallon bottles in stock. But I’ll tell you: Barely in stock,” Mr Gibson said. “Everybody is rushing to us to get the one-gallon product. Everybody. I think customers just prefer the one-gallon bottles to the other sizes.

“I mean, there has been a challenge in terms of our machines working. Getting it back online has been a challenge. One is partially back up, and we are still trying to get the other two as well now, so we are not at 100 percent capacity.”

Mr Gibson said that despite the production issues, his company is seeing a “normal level” of business this summer. He added that other distributors are also experiencing machinery issues. “For our business I don’t think it has really spiked that much. I don’t think it has. It seems to be a pretty normal level for us,” he added.

“I think it’s the regular amount of water. I think what’s happening now is I understand that another supplier is actually down in terms of their machines, so I guess with them being down it causes a lot of other places to be out as well. But I don’t see this to be a significant increase in demand.”

Earlier this week, retailers complained they have encountered difficulties in obtaining one-gallon water bottles from suppliers in recent weeks. Mr Maury, Phoenix Supermarkets’ manager, said: “Plenty people coming for ice and then the problem is we can’t keep up with the water. The one-gallon water either, they can’t keep up with.

“Aquapure doesn’t have any bottles, [Chelsea’s] Choice doesn’t have any bottles, Echo doesn’t have any bottle. The gallon bottles, they don’t have none. They can keep up with the water but they can’t keep up with the bottles.”


ThisIsOurs says...

Whats a major requirement for hurricane prep? and how much notice do you typically have when a hurricane is on the way?

What purification process does Super Values "alkaline" water go through, it tastes like tap water run through an off the shelf filter

Posted 19 July 2023, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Stop whining and produce the water. You are.a.water company. What does a.water company do? It produces water. Surely, this is not the first summer where water sales have increased. Stop whining!!

Posted 19 July 2023, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

They cant. Several of them are reporting issues with their equipment and no inventory of bottles. This jas been going on for at least a month. The govt dropped the disaster preparedness ball. They should have had meetings with stakeholders to understand the problem (too late now) and facilitate remediation. Water is a need.

Posted 19 July 2023, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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