‘We are looking at the matter’ of local govt receiving money says Sweeting


Tribune Staff Reporter


FAMILY Island Affairs Minister Clay Sweeting said if representatives of the North Andros District Council violated the law by accepting funds to clean up a local beach, they would be punished.

The permanent secretary in the ministry, Neil Campbell, appeared to confirm on Monday that the council did violate the law, though he said an investigation is ongoing.

Councils can only accept money from the central government, according to the Local Government Act.

Some North Andros residents were alarmed to learn the North Andros District Council was paid to clean up Cedar Beach after a party over the Independence weekend. Although the $400 payment is not substantial, residents fear this may point to a deeper problem.

The payment was revealed when a party promoter responded to claims that Cedar Beach was not cleaned after his event. He disclosed a receipt on social media with a note that said: “$400 for cleaning Cedar Beach after beach party July 8, 2023.” The name on the receipt was the North Andros District Council. It is unclear whether the promoter knew giving money to the council was unlawful.

“We are looking at the matter,” Mr Sweeting said yesterday. “I understand the concern, and I’ve been apprised yesterday. So we’re looking at it. You know, it’s an allegation.”

“We will follow that out of the law, so, but over the law states, if they breach the issue, and whatever there should be, then we will follow that.”


Bonefishpete says...

Had a party, left a mess, paid to clean mess up? I don't see the problem.

Posted 19 July 2023, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Well the first problem is money was accepted but nothing was cleaned.

So if they werent allowed to collect money, they couldnt certainly report "revenue". So where's the account of what theyve been doing with this money? It would stretch belief to believe this was the first and last time

Posted 19 July 2023, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

BONEFISH says...

The local government should not have been paid for the beach clean up. The persons who received the funds should be held to account for it.

However in the real world beyond this country, local governments raise and collect taxes, fees for services. I have a relative who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. They have a billion dollar budget larger than the Bahamas. The Bahamas is a primitive country when it comes to governance.

Posted 19 July 2023, 9:48 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I think you'd find that there's a reason they dont allow them to collect fees. Based on a long history of fee collection. I recall Hubert Ingraham's comment on Adrian Gibsons matter and the way it damaged the party, he said "~*they should have asked us, theres a reason we didnt allow ministers to serve on boards*. I"'d say the Bahamas is a country filled with alot of people (not all, alot) who believe anything is ok omce you "*get ahead*", as George Smith said *why does it matter how you make your money*, for many that includes taking your share from the customer collections.

Your North Carolina relative most likely has a long list of checks and balances to ensure that million dollars is accounted for and some pretty serious penalties if it isnt. All someone has to say here is, "*the money was for shingles*", no receipts just I bought them and end of story. The good pastor will then accept the shingles money to do Gods work, praise the giver and ask for more.

Posted 20 July 2023, 2:22 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

"We are looking into the matter". Ha, ha, and that is all that will be done look into the matter and then go blind.

Posted 20 July 2023, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

Beachgoers, whether hosting a paid event or visiting a beach should clean up after themselves 🤨

Posted 20 July 2023, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

jamesg30 says...

This requires the upmost attention by our Government. We should set up multiple committees and investigative teams to look into this most serious matter. This kind of violation of our highly regarded laws cannot be tolerated, especially in a fully transparent, law abiding democracy. I hope everyone follows this most concerning matter to it is investigative conclusion.

Posted 20 July 2023, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

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