‘You can’t muzzle me’ says FNM leader in House row


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE House of Assembly descended into chaos as Obie Wilchcombe thwarted Michael Pintard’s efforts to discuss the release of Chinese nationals working with work permit “irregularities” at the British Colonial Hotel in January.

Mr Wilchcombe demanded Mr Pintard stick to the topic of yesterday’s House of Assembly debate: the Governor General’s Volunteer Society Bill, 2023.

“You do not have the ability to muzzle me,” Mr Pintard told Mr Wilchcombe.

House Speaker Patricia Deveaux sided with Mr Wilchcombe, saying: “Honourable member, we are not talking about immigration today.”

It is not uncommon for elected officials to discuss matters unrelated to the bill being debated, and they are usually allowed to do so.

Nonetheless, Speaker Deveaux said: “Members, y’all take full advantage in coming to this place and disgracing the floor by speaking on whatever you want to speak about other than what is presented before us, and it’s a disrespect to this place and a disrespect to the people of this country.”

Mr Pintard did not relent. He accused the Speaker of employing double standards.

“I’ve addressed the issue of the bill before us,” he said. “There are other matters that I wish to address on behalf of the Bahamian people and the people of Marco City. I reserve the right to do so. Every member of this House.”

 Speaker Deveaux tried to regain control of proceedings, but Mr Pintard and Mr Wilchcombe continued shouting across the floor of the lower chamber.

 The Speaker shouted “members” three times before telling the sergeant at arms to get ready to intervene.

 “The next one who raises their voice in here, the next one who gets up out of context in here, will be going down the red carpet,” she said.

 At that point, three officers gathered inside the chamber, waiting for permission to intervene.

 Ultimately, Mr Pintard was not removed, and the House was suspended until next week.

 Mr Pintard later expressed disappointment in the Speaker’s handling of the situation.

 “This is my second term in parliament,” he said. “I’ve heard both sides address a bill and talk about other matters that were relevant to the development of our people. In fact, I’ve heard members not address the bill and address other issues and were given latitude in the past and under this Speaker so what they did to me was wrong and egregious.”


JokeyJack says...

Pintard, when yall was in power you didn't change the rules of the House to allow members to speak so now it's your time to shut up.

Posted 20 July 2023, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Jamaal Strachan spoke presented himself profound , elegant respectful a role model for young men and then then came the other , the newspaper has a picture of him mad crazy and out of control ,

Posted 20 July 2023, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Mr Pintard has more time on the house floor than any one else he is always jumping up for points of order, one day he will hit the one who sits next to him , because he is very dramatic and flings his hand all over the place,

Posted 20 July 2023, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The chaos started because the Speaker did not exercise her power to allow Pintard to complete his 30 minute debate.

The Speaker decided to allow Obie to make a fool of himself and cut off Pintard because Obie didn't want the Chinese immigrants and Bell get discussed in the House.

Minnis was allowed to talk about any and all things the other day and 90% of MPs use their debates to talk about all kinds of nonsense.

But this was a sensitive matter to the PLP, so Pintard was muzzled. It makes the Speaker & Obie look like the dirty dictators that they are.

Posted 20 July 2023, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Sheep runner there was no air conditioning, there were not many of them there YOU MUST ADMIT Mr Pintard gets a lot of time on the house floor , he should show respect to the speaker, they say a picture is a thousand words , check both newspaper for Mr Pintard pictures, just plain wild crazy a total melt down

Posted 20 July 2023, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The speaker has never put any of them out of the house, not like your doc who use to put PLP members out of the house all the time that is what they want she has not done it,

Posted 20 July 2023, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Like so many other Bahamians, Pintard has not yet figured out that our country is actually now run by reps of the CCP and not by the puppet Davis led PLP government which just fronts for the CCP.

Posted 20 July 2023, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Why do they meet to debate (used loosely) when they just go ahead and break the laws? The HoA is an absolute waste of time. The only bits of information we really learn about during the MPs' contribution is who died in their constituency and when the MP will be handing out free food and drinks.

Posted 20 July 2023, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*You cant... muzzle like me, you cant muzzle like me*"

Where Solo? Members! MEM-BUZZ!

Posted 21 July 2023, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

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