Mitchell's advice is disappointing

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is very disappointing to know that Fred Mitchell, a seasoned politician, is giving Keith Bell the advice that he is. It is sending the wrong message to the Bahamian people. You cannot and must not turn a blind eye to the unorthodox and questionable actions of Minister Bell. Any and everyone with an ounce of patriotism need an answer to his actions. Stop passing the blame to a so-called “disgruntled” employee. In Fred Mitchell’s haste to defend Keith Bell he says the “leak” is from an employee. What he does not own up to is that if there were no wrong doings, there would be no need to “leak”. He also indicated that he has taught his colleagues to, in the words of the Gambler, “know when to hold up, know when to fold up, know when to walk away and know when to run”. I find this amusing because it is exactly what Keith Bell needs to do, but perhaps just not the way Fred Mitchell wants him to.

Bell needs to “Hold Up” – stop his interference in day-to-day operations of the Ministry of Immigration. Stop bullying officers by throwing his rank around in matters that do not fall directly under his authority. Some Immigration issues are partnered with National Security.

Bell needs to “Fold Up” and leave trained professionals to do the job they are being paid to do. Everyone knows that a Minister does NOT run any Ministry single-handedly but depends highly on the expertise and knowledge of the Director, Permanent Secretary, DPS, US, and the myriad of officers and personnel of any said Ministry.

Bell needs to “Walk Away” from the role of Minister of Immigration and do the right thing by resigning this post. He is not the right fit for this Ministry and is proving that his actions are more of a liability than an asset.

Bell needs to “Run” as far away from heading any Ministry. He is not friends with “truth” and runs in the opposite direction from “integrity”. Bell should take a look at the “Man in the Mirror”, search his soul, admit he made a bad judgement call and ask the Bahamian people to forgive him. There are just too many infractions and breaches of protocol and process for this matter to go unanswered. The question to be asked now is who is Bell working for? Why is it so difficult to call him in or ask him to resign? Who is the master-mind behind his actions and where does the buck stop? Is there no one among his colleagues with the testicular fortitude to tell him he is wrong? Why the silence and who is he covering for? The Bahamian people deserves and demands answers.

Fred Mitchell, you should be encouraging him to come clean rather than telling him that he has nothing to say. Are you forgetting that both of you are employed by the Bahamian people. You work for us and as your employer we have the right to question your actions at any point and time and you have an obligation to provide the answers to clear up any doubt, confusion, misunderstanding or concerns.

It is also pathetic that the Prime Minister has not made an effort to reshuffle some of his Cabinet Ministers who are running like wild like horses in a field. Everyone seems to be doing their own thing with no guidance or care for the well-being of the country. Politicians should have the integrity and the passion to always put country above self and should never allow personal gain to cloud their judgement.

Bahamians were promised a “New Day” but we were never promised a “Better Day” and so now many are feeling the weight and burden of “New” taxes, “New” fees, “New” processes and “New” rules. To add insult to injury, our sovereignty is being given away. This is so obvious and vexing that even the former Minister of Immigration under the Pindling led PLP has taken exception to the present situation and voiced his concerns. Is this “New Day” government above reproach that they cannot even heed the advice and warning of one of their own who sat in the chair? Please, Mr PM, stay home long enough to know what’s happening in your house. Do not allow someone else to run your house because you are too busy travelling and enjoying life. You were hired to run this house and you need to make some hard decisions and show that you are capable of doing your job.

Enough is enough. We the people are hurting. We are crying out to you. Do the right thing please. Clean up your house. Keith Bell needs to be removed from the Ministry of Immigration forthwith. Mr. Cornish needs to have his matter heard forthwith. Alfred Sears needs to humble himself before the Bahamian people about the BPL fiasco. Show us just how “Brave” you are. Your employers are watching and waiting.

God Bless our Sunny Clime. God Bless our Bahamaland. May we continue to Lift up our head to the rising sun till the road we’ve trod lead unto our God. Preserve our Bahamaland for our children yet unborn.

Vanessa A Scott, JP


July 26, 2023


themessenger says...

Fred Mitchell and Brave Davis are obviously adherents of George Orwells theory that some animals are more equal than others!

Posted 27 July 2023, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Another member of the FNM CHOIR SAME SONG!

Posted 28 July 2023, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

This letter is spot on.

Sadly though, there are those in our D educated population who would still blindly defend the foolishness of Mitchell and Bethell

Posted 28 July 2023, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Sheep runner you mean Bell but for sure Mr Mitchell cares about the Bahamian people, I am right about the FNM choir sheep runner is a member, first it was the travel , you see the song never varies you all sing the same song

Posted 28 July 2023, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

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