Whatever happened to COVID?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

With the COVID-19 pandemic now in the rearview mirror, even if it is not, the vast majority of the population have already moved on with their life as normal. There are, however, some questions that need to be answered.

During the pandemic, the vaccine was pushed relentlessly by the competent authorities as the essential “antidote” to return our lives to normal. The script was rewritten many times as the efficacy of the vaccine began to be called into question. Many people took the vaccine because they honestly believed what was promulgated by the “virologists, immunologists, and governments”.

Firstly, we were told that vaccine would prevent transmission of the virus. Then came many breakthrough cases and the narrative was subtly changed or might I say redacted to ‘the vaccine prevents or reduces the risk of being hospitalized’. Then we heard it gave you a fighting chance if you ever contracted the virus. The narrative kept changing until they had no other recourse but to allow the vaccination conversation to die a natural death.

We had police cars marked COVID Police to ensure that the level of “covidity” was kept to a bare minimum. We even had hotlines to do contact tracing and numbers were listed on a flyer/leaflet, which was given to the recently vaccinated. With all the necessary resources taken to stop or limit the spread of COVID, how come we don’t see the same level of concern being shown post COVID?

I tell you that if we mobilised every working part of our society as we did during the pandemic, we would see a downturn in crime and the level of corruption or perceived corruption in our society and world on a broader spectrum.

I know many people are tired of hearing the news and so have stopped watching it since the COVID pandemic because it was quite depressing, but there are others among us who still pay close attention.

Did you know that there are a number of people who are suffering from vaccine remorse? Some have regretted taking the vaccine since the unvaccinated and vaccinated are now on the same level. The vaccinated have lost their short-lived superiority complex.

There are others who took the vaccine and now have developed health problems. Let me hasten to say that they had no previous history of health challenges. Many have cardiology problems and we are now hearing of young people dying of massive heart attacks.

Can the competent authorities please explain to us (1) why so many people, especially young ones, are dying of massive heart attacks? (2) Why there are so many health issues post COVID-19 vaccine?

Many vaccine “ambassadors” will use the obesity and unhealthy lifestyle of most of our people as a scapegoat, but that won’t fly for me. We have always had many of our people eating unhealthily but never have we seen so many health issues.

I remember the many funny memes during the pandemic whenever a notice came out about a press conference. Many residents would have their Pepto bismol nearby, which was quite hilarious.

With fun and jokes aside, why can we not have the chief medical officer (CMO) and minister of health share with us in a press conference some findings? I recommend that we have a press conference where the “clean” journalists can put the tough questions to the competent authorities.

I say “clean” because some journalists seem to have bought the COVID-19 narrative hook, line, and sinker, rejecting the overwhelming body of evidence that the vaccine doesn’t work inter alia. There are others though, who can separate facts from fiction without getting their feelings all wrapped up in that.

The number of cancer cases has gone up and some cancers have even been more aggressive. Those whose cancer was in remission have seen it return with a vengeance post vaccine. Is anyone keeping a record? If so, can those statistics be made public? The freedom of information act is long overdue.

Why are there no hotlines to deal with suicide ideation post COVID vaccine? Have we established any form of compensation for those who have been adversely affected/injured by the vaccine? Where are the hotlines to point people in the right direction who have developed cardiologic issues post COVID-19 vaccine or are they left to fend for themselves since we can now return to our regularly scheduled programming such as playing golf, enjoy our social parties? Do they want us to “drink water and mind our own business”?

That was never the attitude we displayed during the pandemic. Those who refused to surrender their arms to receive the jab were vilified, labeled unchristian, unconscionable and the list goes on and on.

Why do we have so many children lagging behind with the regular immunization? I put it to you that many parents are afraid that the COVID-19 vaccine will be sneaked into the mix. I understand that PAHO is warning of the threat of polio and other diseases, but I put it to you that the government and the medical fraternity will have to work doubly hard to regain the trust of the public after such massive campaign to get the COVID-19 vaccine and multiple boosters.

Should the church be used as a mop to clean up the medical mess left by the putative scientific community? I tell you that we will continue to offer counseling, emotional, physical and spiritual help to get through this unforgettable phase of our human existence. But the competent authorities need to address us forthwith.



July 26, 202


FreeportFreddy says...

You are part of the MisInformation Machine. You should speak with experts in the medical field...NOT Facebook MDs.

The churches in the many parts of the world have blood on their hands for repeating lies and misinformation.

Bahamas was very lucky during COVID. The medical system here could not have handled anything like was seen early on in New York.

Hindsight is always 20/20. Every government and healthcare professional did their absolute best given the information available. To suggest otherwise is quite ignorant and insulting!!

Posted 30 July 2023, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The best wasnt done. The number of deaths skyrocketed due to mismanagement of symptoms. And that was a result of lack of knowledge, i.e. proper use of ventilation machines. The information is all there. I'm told that if those machines are used improperly you could actually end up killing the patient, I believe that happened. There are written accounts on cnn.com of hospitals throwing any staff available to manage these machines. The problem with COVID was the numbers, no hospital system is set up to manage such a large section of the population needing ICU care. That's why so many people died. In larger population centers a greater number of people died.

Btw, a group of medical professionals also came to the same conclusion. That article was also on cnn.com.

I believe we saw our version of NY. Having 800 people die of one iillness in The Bahamas over 3months is massive. And that number most likely didnt count everyone, because if you died outside the hospital system it was likely not investigated. We had people waiting in the hallways for assistance and doctors worked to exhaustion.The 800 also doesnt tell the tale of the persons who came back from the brink of death.

Posted 30 July 2023, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Sounds like this writer has a superiority complex about not taking the vaccine.

Posted 30 July 2023, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

So the vaccine did provide protection. I was never in doubt of that.

My argument was always only 0.05% of the population was contracting COVID and there should have been more focus on why the 95% was unaffected then **target** the vaccine to the people most at risk. For the people most at risk the immediate threat was death, receiving the vaccine and living seemed a better option. For those in the 95% being forced to take a rushed vaccine with unknown longterm side effects seemed unwise.

We dont know the links between the vaccine and side effects "*for our conmunity*" (that's important, we're different biologically from the people doing the studies) because nobody thought it was important enough to track adverse reactions. Do I believe everyone who has a heartattack today suffered the result due to taking the vaccine? No because young people and athletes died of heart attacks before COVID.

The only thing I agree with in the article outside of wild speculation is the need for better information.

Posted 30 July 2023, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Maybe more correct to say different "*genetically*"

Posted 30 July 2023, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The thing we should be afraid of more than COVID, "today", is high blood pressure

Posted 30 July 2023, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Regardless of anything else...the clergy and churches have blood on their hands and people should hold their feet to the fire!!

Churches preach Hocus pocus!

Posted 30 July 2023, 7:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

No, I did not take the vaccine. And now am vindicated in my superioty complex. I am still covid free and loaded with vitamin d and zinc.

And I did not follow Facebook MD. Jay Battacharya et. all of the Barrington Declaration were right and they are victimized by False Fauci and the now discredited FDA and CDC.

Freeport Freddy, your time for superiority complax is past, it is my turn now.

Posted 31 July 2023, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

What happened is that the powers that be got to identify who were their willing slaves, those that could be pressured into complying with whatever they want by threatening their job, social life, etc, and those that would refuse to bend the knee under any circumstances. The COVID hoax was nothing more than a massive shit test for governments to see how far they could force the population into going along with the most asinine and retarded restrictions so they could calculate how much leeway they have in enforcing further totalitarian restrictions in the future. We are already hearing talk of "climate lockdowns" and other such nonsense, so this issue will reappear very soon in the future.

I have difficulty feeling sorry for anyone that injected that poison into their body simply because common sense should have told them that injecting an experimental treatment into your body that you can't even hold the manufacturers liable for is a horrible idea. Biggest problem in the world is that we are too busy coddling stupid people so therefore I say let the herd be culled. Natural selection will breed docility out of the gene pool.

Posted 1 August 2023, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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