Govt already supporting Grand Bahama, says Mitchell


Tribune Staff Reporter

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said the government is already sustaining Grand Bahama, pushing back against critics who fear the government would take over the Grand Bahama Port Authority.

His comment during the debate in the House of Assembly yesterday came after Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said last week that his administration has serious concerns over GBPA and its related companies’ compliance with the terms and conditions of the Hawksbill Creek agreement.

Mr Mitchell noted concerns from some that Freeport would collapse or not be run properly if the government took over.

“That’s the subtext which is going on, without knowing that in fact, the government has been carrying Freeport and the responsibilities of the Grand Bahama Port Authority for at least ten years, if not more,” he said.

“There’s an agreement between the two sides. The government is supposed to provide services to the city and the GBPA is supposed to pay the government back for those services.

Mr Mitchell said the GBPA needs to follow the Hawksbill Creek agreement.

“Nothing more, nothing less,” he said. “We’re not asking you to do anything religious or, you know, acts of the deity. All we’re asking you to do is follow the agreement.

“If you’re supposed to be promoting investment in Freeport, then promote investment. If you’re supposed to be putting infrastructure in Grand Bahama and supporting it, then put in the infrastructure, but The Bahamas government is putting in the hospital, The Bahamas government is going to fix the airport. We’re doing the hotel.

“So, what I wanted to say in case there is any doubt: The Cabinet of the Bahamas is 1,000 per cent behind the prime minister of The Bahamas on this issue.

The Hawksbill Creek agreement was signed on August 4, 1955, and enshrined in the statute law of The Bahamas.


BMW says...

What are you doing with the hotel, aint been sold yet, no work has started on airport, i hear funding pulled for hospital as the contractor is in litigation. Perp all

Posted 8 June 2023, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> “There’s an agreement between the two
> sides. The government is supposed to
> provide services to the city and the
> GBPA is supposed to pay the government
> back for those services.

Our newspapers need to stop printing stupidity. Challenge these MPs to provide proof for the statements they make, or do not print them at all.

What services do the government provide Freeport?
Garbage collection? No, as that is a paid service by all residents.
Road side cleaning? No, as all have to pay service charge
Electricity? No. as no one wants BPL

Tired of these politicians and remarks with o factual proof.

Posted 8 June 2023, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Love how Mitchell cherry picks certain provisions completely out of context.
Also love how Government and Port have ignored the provisions for licensee consent to changes, and the ultimate provision, for the Licensees to take over the administration post Developer exit.
Does the Government make more money from Freeport in Taxes than it cost them to provide services? if not, there is a mechanism in place for that, but, could the government even show costs vs. revenue? They have never wanted to.
Agreements are worthless if the two signatories either ignore their responsibilities with the third sidelined and periodically sideswiped by Government.

Posted 8 June 2023, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

What does foreign affairs have to do with Freeport?

Posted 9 June 2023, 1:23 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Small wonder VP Harris was enquiring of her staff: "What stick does that guy have up his backside?" LOL

Posted 9 June 2023, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They consider Freeport as foreign ever since Pindling found out the owners are white and said he would not have "a country within a country".

Posted 9 June 2023, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Government should remove the new clause that Ingraham added forbidding the building of airports on the entire islans and then turn the missile base into an airport and develop East End. They can show the Port how it should be done.

Let the govt mess up East End before giving them the while pie.

Posted 9 June 2023, noon Suggest removal

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