Children of unwed dads may apply for passport


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE passport office will begin accepting applications from people affected by the landmark Privy Council ruling on citizenship as of June 26 if the applicant’s father is identified on their birth certificate.

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said in a press statement yesterday that he instructed the Passport Office to begin accepting such applications affecting people born to unwed Bahamian fathers and foreign mothers.

“The ministry is working closely with the Office of the Attorney General and will further advise the public on any amendments or procedural changes regarding the issuance of travel documents as a result of the decision of the Privy Council to uphold the judgment made by the Supreme Court Chief Justice Ian Winder in 2020 in Shannon Tyreck Rolle and four others,” according to the press statement.

 Attorney General Ryan Pinder told reporters on Tuesday that affected by the ruling whose father is not identified on their birth certificate must produce genetic test results proving paternity to get a passport.

 “We’re looking at a protocol involving DNA evidence in those circumstances and we’re working with the Ministry of Health to properly define that protocol,” he said. “As you can imagine, it has to be by way of certified laboratories and properly recognised DNA results and only down so many generations in these types of questions.”

 Kingsley Smith, the chief passport officer, said accepting the applications of people affected by the Privy Council’s ruling and the usual applications will be challenging.

 He said his office is preparing to deal with the challenge.

 He said officials are considering work shifts “that go into the night” to deal with the influx of applications.

 “Those persons renewing an e-passport don’t have to come in,” he added. “If they are 15 or over, we would encourage those persons to use an online portal to make sure those persons who have to come in, there are slots available for them.”


Topdude says...

This is crazy. Now foreign women will be deliberately having sex with Bahamian men to get pregnant so their children will become Bahamian .

Posted 24 June 2023, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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