Lament over disrespectful drivers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The motoring behaviour of the numerous new mini-taxis is something to behold.....zipping through traffic swerving from one lane to the next...running the red light, basically questions should they have been given a Taxi Licence?

Editor, these vehicles are mostly the Datsun Mini-bus vehicles. Today you see many rather than few.

A swarm of them — how many did Transport license? Was there any testing? Was there any instruction course for the drivers and how a Taxi is to operate?

Nassau roads are very quickly reaching saturation point.... over the past few years we saw the flood of the $3-4,000.00 licensed on the road ex-Japan vehicle flood the roads, no issue everyone has the right but....the drivers simply have no road sense. Weekends where do all those self-drive come from?

Another sore point is the drivers’ disrespect for pedestrian crossings..... if the oncoming driver sees a person standing on a pedestrian crossing Road Act says You Are To Stop, hell no increase speed and flash past.... Saw a near miss many times on West Bay and near Doctors on Shirley, you put your life in your hands. Drivers show respect, please.



February 27, 2023.


Flyingfish says...

Very true, people don't care for the rules. Although that is why designing roads and infrastructure that coerces people not to speed is better than roads that ask them not to.

Posted 2 March 2023, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

yes they had to take a test. It was how much you willing to give. If enough they passed. Simple really.

Posted 2 March 2023, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

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