Fighting for rights - and naming your heroes

TOMORROW is International Woman Day and Bahamian women will join women around the world in celebrating the beauty of the feminine spirit.

This year’s observance will explore the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities and spotlight the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces and addressing online and ICT-facilitated gender-based violence.

There is also the International Women’s Day hashtag #EmbraceEquity and The Tribune has launched its own way to recognise the women who are the heroes in your life with the hashtag #WomensDayHeroes.

Tribune Woman spoke to several young women about why they feel International Woman’s Day is so important.

“I think that is such an important theme, that people just don’t really think about.

“I think it is crazy that in 2023, we still need to be having these conversations about equality and respecting the role that women play in the development of a healthy society” Raynette told Tribune Woman.

The 20-year-old student said that for her equality means women are given equal pay and equal opportunities in the workforce and, in her case, the classroom. Equity, she says, means that while she has the seat in the classroom, she is given the same respect as the male students in the classroom.

“I see the subtle deference that some of my male professors give to the male students. I don’t know if they are aware they are doing it, but its like they are listening more intently to them or taking their questions more seriously. Sometimes I want to stand up and scream I am here too.”

Amanda says it is important to remember that while everyone comes from a different place, we all are equally valuable.

“I think that we like to paint people with the same cloth, we want everyone to be the same as us, based on our experiences and our values, but as we try to create equity and equality in this world we need to have the perspective that everyone has value and worth and even if they are “different” from us, they are still the same as us. People look down on people too much, if you didn’t go to college, if you did, if you work at this place or you don’t if you have kids or you don’t want kids or can’t have kids.

“The sad thing is that sometimes its women who discriminate against women. This is especially true on social media. People love to hate on women for their posts and the judgment is very real. Women also use social media to be outright mean to women, you know criticising their relationships or their parenting style or even going so far to damage their reputation - and sadly it’s women doing it to women.

For Madison, equity means women are not penalised for things unique to women such as needing to take time off work for menustration symptoms or maternity leave.

“At the same time, if you are talking about equity than men need to have the same privileges. For example, men have the right to paternity leave and the right to request time for childcare-related emergencies. If women want to be truly equal it has to run both ways. If women want to be respected and treated a certain way then they need to respect and treat persons the same way as well.”

• To mark Interational Women’s Day, The Tribune wants to hear about the women who are your heroes.

How to nominate

1 Visit and comment on our story there

2 Email your nominations to

3 Post your nomination to social media with the hashtag #WomensDayHeroes

The Tribune will publish a selection of submissions - so let us know your heroes and why they inspire you.


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Posted 7 March 2023, 9:37 p.m.

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