Leader without a vision

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Leader of the Opposition FNM Party Michael Pintard has no vision, idea or plan for the Bahamian people and the Bahamas. All he has to offer is criticism, but when he was a Cabinet Minister and Minister of Youth Sports and Community Affairs with then former Prime Minister Dr Minnis they failed the Bahamian people on crime, high unemployment and failing government corporations BPL, Bahamas, and Water and Sewage, but the greatest disservice to The Bahamas and Bahamian people in my opinion was the spending of over five-six billions of dollars adding over 10 billions of dollars to the Bahamas national debt with nothing to show and no benefits to the Bahamian people and the Bahamas, so, in my opinion Michael Pintard, Leader of the Opposition FNM Party, was part of the problem and burdens that the Bahamian people are facing with hopelessness, doubts and frustrations in the Bahamas government fixing their problems to making the Bahamas better in reducing crime, removing illegal Haitian immigrants, and providing jobs.

The Leader of the Opposition FNM Party Michael Pintard has no political achievements and accomplishments in Bahamian politics, but I have political achievements and accomplishments first after having radio ads on Love 97FM Radio, More 97 FM Radio, Letter ads in The Tribune, The Punch and spoken to then Leader of the Opposition PLP Government Perry Christie about the need to oversight, audit and regulate private pension funds in The Bahamas. When Perry Christie became Prime Minister in 2012, he implemented my vision idea and plan to protect pension funds for Bahamian workers by passing the Workers Pension Funds Act Bill, then in 2017 I wrote a Letter to the Editor expressing serious concern and the real need to stop government corruption in The Bahamas by passing into law the Anti-Corruption Bill, in 2017 Dr Minnis Prime Minister of the FNM government implemented my vision idea and plan the Anti-Corruption Bill and current Prime Minister Philip Davis of the Bahamas PLP government implemented my vision idea and plan to deter gangs and reduce crime and guns in 2022, by implementing the police gang task force and police gun task force to reduce crimes in The Bahamas and murders.

I look forward to having a debate with Michael Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition FNM, and the first question I would like him to answer… do you have a political record of visions ideas and plans that had been implemented by three Prime Ministers? As I had done and have the evidence published in The Tribune newspaper.

The second question I want to have the Bahamian people to ask themselves if you had been abused by your spouse and decided to get a divorce, then decided to try it again, but you got abused again by the same spouse that you allowed another chance in your life. Will you keep giving that spouse more chances or will you just end it for good?

So the bigger question is why are you thinking that after many disappointments, lies, unfilled promises and the same problems are getting worse, the Bahamas national debt over 11 billion dollars, high crime robberies and murders, unperforming Government corporations and high unemployment that is the cause and result of both political parties, PLP and FNM, they keep abusing the Bahamian people with their bad, terrible and worse record on governing the affairs of the Bahamas and the Bahamian people. That re-electing them both over and over again it will get better? It is time for a real change, Bahamian people. I have been able to achieve and accomplish these things with three Prime Ministers of The Bahamas implementing my ideas, vision and plans that had already benefitted The Bahamas and the Bahamian people.

There are over 190 nations in the world and 190 Prime Ministers and Presidents. I am the only one on God’s earth to have had three Prime Ministers of a nation, The Bahamas, to have implemented my vision idea and plan no other person in any other countries had achieved and accomplished this, not even in America. So this is why I walk by faith with God. God has allowed me to be His instrument and servant to the Bahamian people and The Bahamas and has given me the political record, evidence, legacy, history and story to now begin the journey of becoming the next Prime Minister of The Bahamas by being obedient to answering to His calling to Stand Tall and Lead the Bahamian and the Bahamas to a better future for the children, One Nation, One people, One Bahamas and One God, onward, forward and upward to a better Bahamas. Chosen One by God.



March 5, 2023.


themessenger says...

No doubt all three of those Prime Ministers of which you brag about should have included you in their Cabinets then we could truly say that the blind had been leading the blind.
Be sure to get circumcised before taking your seat in the House of the unholier than thou, oh, and get a taller soap box and a louder trumpet, blow hard.

Posted 7 March 2023, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

1pnewman says...

The ravings of a deranged person are printed in our national newspaper. Pickings must be slim.

Posted 7 March 2023, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

I'm speechless, I don't know how to respond to this garbage. What constituency he represents?

Posted 8 March 2023, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal

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