Approval of Royal Caribbean’s proposal

KINDLY permit me the opportunity to publicly express my views on the recent decision by the gov- ernment to give approval to Royal Caribbean Interna- tional (RCI) to develop its privatevacationenclaveon Paradise Island.

The government, in announcing approval of this venture, peddled the fact or the possibility that Bahami- ans will have a 49% equity participation in this venture and that the government has reduced the Crown land giveaway from the seven acres to four acres.

As leader of the opposi- tion in 2020, it was reported that the current Prime Min- ister spoke loudly about the negative impact this development will have on Downtown businesses and Bahamian entrepreneurs competing for the same cruise passenger dollar.

It was also reported that he lamented the fact that this project if brought to fruition will add to an already congested Nassau harbour and will limit beach access to residents and visi- tors alike.

If such were the case then, does the fact that gov- ernment will hold a 49% equity stake or will only lease four acres, remove the negative impact or threat this venture by RCI poses

to downtown businesses and vendors?

Will it lessen the damage likely be done to the marine environment which the Prime Minister reportedly spoke about as opposition leader in 2020?

The same economic threats and unattractive- ness connected to this venture that existed in 2020 will still exist regardless of the ownership makeup of this venture or the amount of Crown land gifted.

Further, if it is the gov- ernment’s intention to revitalise Bay Street by seeking to have owners make the financial invest- ment to upgrade their property, approving this project certainly does not advance this objective given that this project is likely to weaken the economic vital- ity and attractiveness of Bay Street and by extension the attendant properties along Bay Street. And it certainly will not add to the passen- ger spend with Bay Street merchants and vendors.

Also, why would the government allow a cruise line to monopolise the cruise visitor experience and spend while on land in The Bahamas? The cruise operator already has unfet- tered access to passengers’ wallet and experience while enroute to The Bahamas.

Notwithstanding the narrative peddled by the

government, its decision to approve this project seems to be counterproductive to its objective of revitalising downtown economically and its aim of increasing the cruise visitor spend in a manner that the ben- efits local merchants and vendors.

If RCI has $110m to invest in the creation of attrac- tions for its cruise passengers there are opportunities avail- able in New Providence proper which could be undertaken in partnership withlocalinvestorsorthose persons or entities in the cultural and arts arena. For many of these persons and entities, money and access to available land is the only thing that is lacking.

This venture should not be viewed as providing a much-needed tourist attrac- tion for cruise visitors but should be viewed more so as, facilitating the extraction of economic opportunities away from Bay Street and the wider New Providence community.

The government should not be a willing partner or an equity participant in any venture that is likely to fur- ther destroy or detract from the little economic life left on Bay Street and in New Providence.


New Providence March 12, 2023


Flyingfish says...

A Party Lamenting Planning should not hold the keys to government. Its a shame we were told they had a plan they were following, when in reality every plan they make, ends up not being followed, 50% by the FNM and 49% via their own lies/contradictions.

We need a local government for the downtown area and a city plan that is a separate issue from the weekly tantrums of Rawson Square.
Perhaps, one of the first things that could be fixed is the institution of city-wide (downtown) parking fees and zones.

Posted 14 March 2023, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

What is also needed is the preparation and approval of a Land Use Plan, featured prominently in the Planning & Subdivision Bill, 2010 which they are supposed to develop and publish for public information. But, like the long-promised freedom of information act, well, all we know is that its "coming soon".

Posted 14 March 2023, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

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