Three arrests after armed robbery, shootout with police


Tribune Staff Reporte

Three men known to police were arrested on Friday after an armed robbery led to a chase and a shootout between police officers and suspects.

Around 2.30pm on Friday, a woman at a banking institution in western New Providence was robbed of a deposit bag at gunpoint, Police Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings told reporters on the scene.

CSP Skippings said: “Officers from Operation Ceasefire were on routine saturated patrols on Gladstone Road, when they observed a white 2022 Suzuki XL, traveling at a high rate of speed south on Gladstone Road.

“A chase ensued, which ended in the Jubilee Gardens area, with the vehicle crashing into a wall after the suspects realised that they were totally surrounded by police,” CSP Skippings said.

“The suspects exited the vehicle. Two of them were armed with handguns. They engaged the police; the police engaged them, which resulted in one of the males being shot,” she said.

“He was taken to hospital and at this time his condition is unknown. Police recovered from the suspects two handguns, along with ammunition and a large quantity of cash believed to be the cash that was stolen from the female at the banking institution.”

CSP Skippings added: “I hasten to say that upon examination of the vehicle, police recognised that this particular vehicle was actually taken in an armed robbery around midnight from a mill in the eastern district of New Providence. So we are continuing our investigation into this matter.

She continued: “Let me also say today, one of the suspects, actually both of them, like I mentioned, had on EMD (monitoring devices). One of them in their quest to evade being monitored, had their ankle bracelet totally covered with foil, totally covered with foil, unacceptable. We will not tolerate it as a law enforcement agency.”

CSP Skippings said the suspects are all “known to police and they are on bail for serious offences”.

She also urged those thinking of committing a criminal offence to think twice, as she referenced the 10 new police vehicles received from the United States Embassy Friday morning.

“These vehicles are equipped and they can track you. And so this is a clear example of what we talked about when we say saturated patrols – you commit a crime, you will be caught. We are going to be relentless. We have a zero tolerance approach. And we will do what it is that we are mandated to do as a law enforcement agency. And so if you stand up to the police be prepared for the police to take quick and decisive action with you,” CSP Skippings said.

“So for those persons who seek to engage in criminal activity, I said once again, be prepared. We are here to police this country, and we are going to protect the good citizens of this great nation,” she said.

CSP Skippings then urged the public to keep in mind that police officers are humans with families, and they have the right to protect themselves.

“Police officers are human as well. They have families that love them that care for them and are looking forward to seeing them come home at the end of their toll duty. We are going to be relentless and so if you seek to engage the police, be prepared for what comes your way,” she said.

Investigations into this most recent armed robbery are continuing.


hrysippus says...

Is the mill in the East a windmill or a cotton mill?

Posted 18 March 2023, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

I have that same "mill" question. But I also want to say good job to the responding police. Keep up the good work.

Posted 18 March 2023, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Three men known to police. Awe well , there goes the jail. Close the jail, it doesn't work.

Posted 18 March 2023, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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