Row erupts over Minnis during FNM meeting


Tribune Staff Reporter

TENSIONS in the Free National Movement boiled over on Tuesday night when deputy chairman Don Saunders publicly argued with a constituency association chairman about whether party leaders want to sideline Dr Hubert Minnis.

Mr Saunders was telling reporters he knew nothing about efforts to prevent Dr Minnis from speaking at association meetings when Peter Outten, the chairman of the Carmichael constituency association, emerged to say: “That interview was nonsense.”

 The subsequent back-and-forth between the two men followed a Mount Moriah constituency association meeting where Dr Minnis spoke.

 The Nassau Guardian reported earlier this month that Dr Minnis has complained about being prevented from speaking at association meetings, exposing tension between the former leader and his successor.  

 While Mr Saunders acknowledged party leaders discourage speeches at association meetings, he denied letters were sent to presiding officers demanding they restrict Dr Minnis’ ability to address supporters.

 “(It’s) not that we don’t want individuals to speak,” he said. “But we want everybody to be focused on the vision of building associations so we wanted them to be as we vision moving forward.”

 Not satisfied with Mr Saunders’ response, Mr Outten said the former Tall Pines MP had “shamed” the party.

 “Don’t you ever lie to the Bahamian people again for this organisation,” he said.

 “It’s not nonsense; it’s facts,” Mr Saunders replied.

 “We are not concerned about stopping persons from speaking at meetings,” he told reporters. “Our concerns, I’ve said this before, are when you have individuals or their agents using these meetings as grounds to facilitate, orchestrate, and to develop political campaigns specifically for leadership.”


ExposedU2C says...

Forget being sidelined in the FNM party.......tyrannical Minnis should be kicked out of the country. No Bahamian in the history of our country has more blood on their hands than the ruthlessly evil Minnis as a result of his incompetent and authoritarian approach to dealing with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 crisis.

Posted 23 March 2023, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Flyingfish says...

I think Minnis did well with the Covid19 Crisis, he did not delay to take it seriously, and shut down the country as soon as it was confirmed to have come in.
However, when it came to Hurricane Dorian, the money was wasted and the plan for reconstruction was absolutely braindead.

What the Minnis administration should really be hounded for is leaving Ragged Island 5 years in the dust.

Posted 23 March 2023, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

They are all alike they deserve each other They treated the poor like dirt they increased the merchants profits by taking grocery bags from the poor and causing them to buy bags with the merchants name imprinted on them

Posted 23 March 2023, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

whatsup says...

Minnis Administration should be investigated for what they did during the plandemic.....he was never going to let those Emergency Powers go if we did not vote him OUT.

Posted 23 March 2023, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

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