King David and LGBTQ members

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I know that from a legal perspective, a dead person cannot be defamed or slandered. This is the position of the judicial system in the United States.

Yet it bothers me that the character of the Old Testament King David, who has been dead now for nearly three millennia, continues to be defamed by members of the LGBTQ community in The Bahamas.

According to them, David and Johnathan were homosexual lovers. This was implied by Mr Natino Thompson on Beyond the Headlines with host Shenique Miller and panelist Cassius Stuart.

By adamantly asserting that this ancient king of Israel was a homosexual, LGBTQ members are apparently looking to give biblical validation to their sexual orientation with their customary biblical hermeneutics.

I will start by stating that had David been a practising homosexual, he would’ve been executed, as prescribed by the Old Testament Mosaic penal code in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. Old Testament scholars have stated that the practice of homosexuality was unheard of in Israel during the time of David, who was a heterosexual polygamist, as I will document below. In 1 Samuel 18:1, it reads that the soul of Johnathan, son of King Saul, was knit to the soul of David; and that he loved him as his own soul. Two chapters later in 20:42, both men kissed each other at the stone Ezel.

Yet this was customary in ancient times. In 2 Corinthians 13:12 and 1 Thessalonians 5:26, Paul admonished the churches to greet one another with a holy kiss. There was nothing sexual about this ancient custom. Even in recent times men engaged in practices we in the twentieth-first century would automatically view suspiciously. Abraham Lincoln shared the same bed as a traveling attorney with his male assistants, according to Dr Kevin DeYoung of Christ Covenant Church in North Carolina. Ironically, King James I of Scotland, who sanctioned the publication of the Authorised Version in 1604, was also posthumously slandered in similar fashion by one Anthony Weldon, who wrote a paper in 1650 accusing James of being gay. As is the case with King David and his Bahamian LGBTQ false accusers today, King James was not alive to defend his name. In Acts 13:22, Paul said that David was a man after God’s own heart, something a former strict Pharisee wouldn’t have said had David been a homosexual.

Moreover, in 1 Kings 15:12, it says King Asa banished the male Sodomites from Israel. Ironically, the next verse says that Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord as did David his father -- a statement that would’ve been odd had David been engaging in the same practice as the male shrine prostitutes he expelled. In 1 Kings 22:46, King Jehoshaphat followed in the footsteps of Asa his father by expelling the remaining Sodomites from his territories. Bahamian LGBTQ eisegetes love to reference 2 Samuel 1:26, which records David’s eulogy of the slain Johnathan, stating that his love surpassed the love of women. Dr DeYoung made a shrewd observation about this verse when he said that David, who was married to Johnathan’s sister Michal, was simply saying that Johnathan did far more to assist him as a fugitive from the dangerous King Saul than Michal. When David uttered his eulogy, Michal was the wife of Palti of Gallim (1 Samuel 25:44). David must have felt betrayed by Michal. Furthermore, as a Near East king, David would amass a large harem of wives and concubines in order to ensure that he would have a progeny to inherit his throne. In 1 Samuel 18:27, Michal was given to him as his wife for executing 200 Philistines. In 2 Samuel 3, six of David’s other wives were named: Ahinoam, Abigail, Maacah, Haggith, Abital and Eglah.

In 2 Samuel 5:13, it reads that David took him more wives and concubines. In fact, when fleeing Jerusalem after learning of an attempted coup d’etat by his rebellious son Absolam, David would leave behind ten of his concubines to keep his house (2 Samuel 15:16). In addition to these women, David would marry Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite in 2 Samuel 11, in addition to a young damsel named Abishag in 1 Kings 1. In all, David may have up between 30 to 40 women in his harem, inclusive of his concubines. Interestingly, David was rightly judged by Yahweh for his adulterous affair with Bathsheba. Why would God judge David for his heterosexual affair with a married woman and not judge him for his homosexual relationship with Johnathan, as Leviticus 18:22 clearly calls for? Bear in mind that both David and Johnathan were married. So even, for the sake of argument, if homosexuality is morally permissible, there’s still the glaring matter of both men cheating on their respective spouses, seeing that the LGBTQ community claims to be a champion of monogamy.

While the Bible goes to great lengths in documenting David’s heterosexual polygamy, it has absolutely nothing to say about any homosexual dalliance he purportedly had with Johnathan. Bahamian LGBTQ eisegetes have to read this homosexual relationship into the biblical text, because it is simply not there. In closing, Mr Thompson would accuse the Beyond the Headlines panelist of not reading. Yet him implying that King David was a homosexual raises the question of how much of the Bible he has taken the time to read. I would suggest to him to read the Bible without using the lens of Troy Perry and the Metropolitan Community Church.



Grand Bahama,

March 29, 2023.


Porcupine says...

As the educational level of a person increases, their belief in a personal god diminishes.
This is a fact. The bible is a book, among many.
Citing dead people in a language they did not use, and then using this as "evidence" is problematic at best.
Given that few Christians read Aramaic, Hebrew, or Greek, the possibility of a loss in translation is great.
If the bible is to be taken seriously by some, it would seem that these biblical scholars would focus on the parts most well understood.
For instance, the part about a camel through the eye of the needle.
Or, perhaps, do unto others.......
And, we could go on and on.
Yet, to actually stand for what the bible and Christianity profess, such as love your neighbor, seems to elude most Christians I know.
It amazes me how god gave us a brain to think, yet the most vocal Christians are all about blind faith in something they get to interpret themselves. Just believe me, knowledge won't help you.
Perhaps, the abject failure of religious people to embrace knowledge, and to blindly believe what someone tells you to believe at an early age, could explain some of our absolutely horrendous ways we treat our brothers and sisters in this "Christian" community.
Are we unable to see the rot and evil that surrounds us?
Does anyone read the papers? Murder, theft, corruption, starvation, gambling, drinking and drug addition, rape, child abuse. Do we need to go on?
How many churches do we really need? Do any of them seem to be working to give us a better society?
I am so tired of religious zealots. Honestly!

Posted 30 March 2023, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

It has to be unhealthy to have an ongoing obsession with other people's sexual orientation, and then to have a compulsion to publically share it is even more disturbing.

Posted 30 March 2023, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The Homosexual Debate Returns to The Bahamas, Now With An Even More 'Evil Twist' An Attack Our Children In Their Class Rooms.


As I predicted a few weeks back, once the doors of decadence are opened to one ideology, the infection can spread to others. And here is where the 'men' in our country need to take a stand from their indifference and say No! Not My Child.

We must be cautious of those who advocate for abnormal lifestyles and social experimentation, especially given the small community here in the Bahamas where if 'I sneeze, others catch a cold'. The LGBT issue affects a small percentage of the population, and it may not be necessary to educate Bahamian students extensively on this topic.
Unlike some other countries where its population is in the hundreds of millions and a social experiment may be confined to a city and not affect neighbouring cities because of mere size, this is far from the case in the Bahamas. Instead, issues such as incest and male-on-male sexual abuse on our Bahamian Homes (that no one wants to talk about) should be addressed through education.

It is essential to address sensitive topics like sexual abuse and incest with the care and responsibility of professionals, not the few sick animals seeking to make *targets* of our children.

> Today's Tribune Editorial Highlight
> the sick extent these animals will go
> to justify their evil acceptance and
> to justify getting at our children.
> Yes, some would say 'be tolerant, but
> I say be a 'responsible' parent and
> protect our children.

Others like Quintin Laroda also question the need for this unwanted and irresponsible attempt at spreading the LGBTx movement's agenda in the Bahamas.

Posted 30 March 2023, 8:47 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Over the years, I have seen homosexual traits in small children, even before they know that it is noticeable to others. Many of us knew waaaaay before time that certain neighborhood children would be gay. Then.......they actually come to the realization that they are gay, and start running around looking for all kinds of exra attention and extra 'rights', just because they are gay. We also recognize the liars, thieves, conmen, and many others.....

Posted 31 March 2023, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

Hi Shillwaters; what are these "extra 'rights" that you reference please?

Posted 1 April 2023, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

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