THE BIG QUESTION: The minimum age of employment – what are your thoughts?

With a proposal to raise the minimum age of employment to 16 in the news, what are your thoughts on children in the workplace?

What age was your first job? If it was under 16, do you feel it benefitted you or did you feel exploited?

Post your answers in the comments section below . . .


mandela says...

At age 14 the only job they should have is a summer job.

Posted 1 May 2023, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

I was 15 when I had my first job at McDonalds, I think it was a benefit and a good experience to get a taste of the real world, after school hours and the weekend. When I had enough I quit and I had saved a good chunk of money by then, was young so I had the energy, didn't feel exploited at all.

Posted 1 May 2023, 10:57 p.m. Suggest removal

rowdie says...

When I was around 14 I used to cut grass and other odd jobs and I never felt exploited but I did not let it interfere with my school work. The packing boys are exploited here because they are not paid but made to put carts in place, stock shelves from returns. That is forced child labour with no income!! SHAME!!!!

Posted 2 May 2023, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Idally 16 is the best option.

However, from a practical and realistic perspective, there are many children who use part time employment to supplement their family's income or to pay for their own school uniforms and supplies. Until we improve the socio exonomic situation, this is a reality for many.

A compromise would be that those unde 16 can only hold jobs after school hours or on weekends, and summer when school is not in session. Otherwise, these children need to be in school getting an education so they can improve their work prospects.

And even at 16, jobs should be limited to certain categories and hours. These are still children and deserve protextion.

Posted 5 May 2023, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

There should be no minimum age. Bahamians are slaves who pay duty and VAT and high prices for everything in life. The sooner they learn how to be a slave, the better - that way they don't build up false hopes and dreams and then get disappointed. Vote FNM & PLP and shut ya mout.

Posted 9 May 2023, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Ages 13 through 17, summer jobs only with no risk to health or safety.

Posted 10 May 2023, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

The minimum age of employment should be generally 16 years old. This is the age at which young people can leave compulsory education and legally start working full-time. However, there could be some exceptions and restrictions to this general rule:

- Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to work in any capacity, except for certain types of work such as TV, film, and theater performances, where they require a performance license.
- Children aged 13 to 14 may work in limited circumstances, such as packing bags or working in certain types of shops, but there are restrictions on the number of hours they can work and the type of work they can do.
- Children aged 15 to 16 may work part-time in most types of jobs, but there are still restrictions on the number of hours they can work and the type of work they can do.

In some cases, children may be allowed to work at a younger age if they have a special license or permit from their local authority. However, these permits are only issued in exceptional circumstances, such as for child actors or for children who are employed by their parents in certain types of family businesses.

Posted 12 May 2023, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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