Friday, May 5, 2023
EDITOR The Tribune.
As a nature lover, I would like to express my feelings on the current debate over RCL’s development of a Beach Club on the Western end of Paradise Island. First of all, I totally agree with the fears of the various environmentalists. Opinions of expert environmentalists such as Joseph Darville should not be ignored. Who are the members of the Environmental Commission? What are their qualifications?
However, there is a second cause for concern, and that is the loss to the Bahamian populace of yet another beautiful beach. Can we not leave a few beaches in their natural state the way God made them? I shudder when I look at the artist’s impression of the proposed development with all those hideous structures. If we don’t start preserving some of our beautiful habitat now, in a few years there will be nothing left.
I appreciate the fact that development is a necessary evil, in that it is important to our economy, but please, can we draw the line when it comes to giving away our natural resources to foreigners? Once a development gets started there is no going back, and another beach or location, once available to Bahamians for recreation is gone for good.
My two cent’s worth.
April 28, 2023.
hrysippus says...
Although Ms. Roberson raises some pertinent points for our consideration I must ask how many Bahamians have ever actually set foot on the site of RCI's development. The answer is probably hardly any as the beach is hard to get to unless you are wealthy enough to own a boat to take you there, and even if you do have access to a boat then it is more likely that you will go to Cabbage Beach or Rose Island, both places having much better beaches. I suspect you can walk to the beach if you drive to Paradise Island, manage to find a place to park a car, and then be willing to walk miles and trespass over privately owned land.
Posted 6 May 2023, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal
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