New king can make a difference

EDITOR, The Tribune.

King Charles was crowned King of The UK and the Commonwealth of Nations proper today. Salutes and a hardy Hoorah to thee. A new King, and an enabled leader of the UK in fact. Charles has been waiting for this day all his life, and it’s now his time to make a difference, imprint himself upon his nation and the world as a leader both different and unique to the British Monarchy. While Queen Elizabeth was a rock of the status quo Charles has a chance and an obligation to make a profound difference as a leader.

Charles is a highly respected man, an institution in fact with a hold upon modern day problems and searching for solutions.

1 Indigenous: Charles is uniquely attached to the indigenous people of the former Empire and now the commonwealth. His respect and understanding of the indigenous history, and struggles within these nations of the Commonwealth empower him and the indigenous he must protect. The Crown has every responsibility to assist the Indigenous in their struggles for equality, respect and financial restitution for wrongs to their people. The Crown can be sued and also held responsible for these historic wrongs.

2 Environment and Climate Change: Highly educated in this portfolio, Charles has and will continue to push for economic, social and environmental changes that will benefit the planet. As a leader in several international climate change - Environmental Organizations - Charles can through political, social and financial pressure encourage and pressure governments and industry to change their ways and concentrate upon renewable technologies that can and will save lives.

3 Society sees the Monarchy as a stuffy, unchanging traditional structure that has no real importance to the lives of average British nationals. Charles must transform the Monarchy into something more than a charity-revenue raising organization. Becoming more significant to the average British citizen seems the preferred course. A monarchy of democratic significance, with financial and political influence enough to inspire and lead the UK to greatness once again.

While Charles begins his journey, Pope Francis is coming near to his journeys end. Ill and totally worn out, Pope Francis has certain key protocols that need to be legitimised before he retires or passes. The Catholic Church needs new pastors, priests that will attract new membership and pledged loyalty. Will Francis allow priests to be married, and will women be allowed once again to become priests? Yes, the early church has female priests and leaders. Pope Francis knows this, and with hope he will enable the Church to change its ways, reforming towards a more equal calling. Pope Francis faces a huge hurdle with traditionalists and misogynistic male attitudes alike standing against Church and ecclesiastical democratic change.

Two leaders, with visions that could change the world as we know it. Will Charles and Francis make the commitment to give their lives to the betterment of humanity? A vibrant and significant Monarchy and Catholic Church can be the difference between human deprivation and uniquely creative human benefit. Charles can make the Monarchy something greater and more meaningful than its present state, and Francis can change Catholic religion for all time. Fingers crossed and with an open mind, we hope both men will achieve great things for the hopeful unwashed among us.


Bradford, Ontario,

May 7, 2023


Alan1 says...

Let us all give our support to our new King! His grasp of Commonwealth and world issues is significant. All people of goodwill will hope that he succeeds.

Posted 10 May 2023, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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