DIESEL SALES HALT TO LAST UNTIL MARGIN RESOLUTION: However, sites owned by FOCOL continue to make fuel available


Tribune Business Editor


Bahamian petroleum retailers have "no intent to disenfranchise the motoring public", their president asserted yesterday, as he warned that the halt to diesel sales will "go on until such time" as their plight is resolved.

Raymond Jones, head of the Bahamas Petroleum Retailers Association (BPRA), told Tribune Business his members are "resolute" and plan to "stay this course" with many now pushed to the brink of closure by the failure to reach agreement with the Government over a "pennies on the gallon" increase to their price-controlled fixed margins following more than a year of negotiations.

Suggesting that all sides, including the three oil majors (Esso, Rubis and Shell), as well as the Government had been "right at the door" of sealing a resolution mutually acceptable to all, he added that the retailers' move was "a measured action" given their view that further negotiations are pointless and only a concluded agreement will do.

Mr Jones, confirming that neither himself nor any other Association Board member has been contacted by the Government since the diesel sales halt began on Monday, told this newspaper that gas station operators are seeking their equivalent of "a livable wage" that will enable them to "sleep at night" and pay their bills.

Acknowledging that the diesel sales stoppage is "not desirable", he reiterated that the sector was only interested "in a long-term play" where margins were increased by the equivalent of around 7-8 percent of landed fuel costs. Asserting that, even with this, "we're not doubling what we're making in returns", Mr Jones said the per gallon increase would be "virtually unnoticeable" to Bahamians while the Government is earning three times' what retailers receive on petroleum sales.

However, not all gas stations have stopped selling diesel. Mr Jones said "pretty much everybody other than Shell" had halted sales, acknowledging that around seven sites "owned and operated" by its wholesaler, BISX-listed FOCOL Holdings, continue to make diesel available to motorists who require it.

"That's fine. People join or don't join the cause. That's fine," the Association president said in response. While that has temporarily enabled FOCOL's stations to corner the market on diesel sales, Mr Jones said the fuel has been "a bone of contention" with his members for some time because of the high costs they must pay to acquire it from their wholesale suppliers only to gain minimal returns.

With diesel prices up 12 percent for the year to end-March, based on Bahamas National Statistical Institute (BNSI) data, he explained that gas station operators were incurring significant overdraft and credit card fees to purchase diesel supplies at the front end but only earned "a few pennies" in return. Diesel margins are 34 cents per gallon compared to 54 cents on gasoline.

"It's been a continuous drag to maintain this diesel sales operation," Mr Jones added. "The margin on diesel is 34 cents versus what we get on gasoline, which we have already said to the Government is not a profitable margin given the rise in costs over the last year.

"Diesel is something we buy and make a few pennies on, but you are paying the high cost to acquire it. It's been a bone of contention for some time. The Government is aware of it because we gave them the operating costs for a gas station together with the full breakdown."

The last margin increase enjoyed by gas station operators occurred in 2011, some 12 years ago under the last Ingraham administration. That took gasoline margins from 44 cents per gallon to 54 cents, where it has remained ever since, while diesel stands at 34 cents per gallon. However, operating costs and inflationary pressures have increased substantially then, especially amid the post-COVID cost of living crisis.

As a result, dealers are arguing that the present price-controlled fixed margins are insufficient to enable them to cover their operating costs and break even, let alone make a profit. Besides facing an up to 163 percent increase in Bahamas Power & Light (BPL) fuel charges amid peak summer consumption, station operators also have to pay rent, franchise and other fees to their wholesale landlords, as well as contend with a 15 percent increase in insurance costs.

Mr Jones also pointed out that, with many gas station employees paid at minimum wage, the 24 percent or $50 per week increase implemented from New Year's Day has had to be covered by operators without any increase in their margins. And the increased wage bill has also led to a matching increase in National Insurance Board (NIB) contributions.

These combined cost increases, together with the absence of any margin increase, has pushed many retailers to breaking point with some in a position where it would be "cheaper to close" than continue operating. As a result, Mr Jones said the Association and its members had been left with little choice but to act accordingly.

"We're very mindful of the consumers we serve. We don't want to disenfranchise them in any sort of way," Mr Jones told Tribune Business. "But we're not running a charity. We're not social services. Because we're price controlled by the Government we need them to... make the adjustment" to the fixed margins.

Noting that BPL and virtually all other businesses and industries have been able to adjust prices to cope with rising costs, but not the petroleum sector, he added of the diesel halt: "We'll take this as what we consider a measured action and, at some point, if we don't have the ability to sit down and come to a conclusion, we will have to increase the effect of what we do.

"This will go on until such time as we have a meeting of the minds, and come to a conclusion. I don't think we need to be negotiating any more. We've exchanged ideas and proposals. We were right at the door [of an agreement], but we need to sign it, put it in writing and sign off on it, discuss the implementation and let's go.

"It's just a question of the Government sitting down and saying: 'Right, here's what we propose and here's how we do it. Here's the implementation plan'. We say: 'Thank you very much. You've been very generous. Let's go. Let's get back to work and let the public drive'. There's a holiday weekend coming up and we want people to be driving, but we need to get some semblance of an agreement as opposed to continuing the dialogue," Mr Jones continued.

"In no way are we trying to threaten the public or the Government or anyone else. Many of the staff employed by gas stations got that 24 percent minimum wage increase. We're saying: 'Please give us a chance to offset this so we can sleep at night, pay our bills, pay VAT, pay national insurance.

"The petroleum retailers are resolute. We will stay this course as we need to come to an agreement, come to a conclusion, let us get back to work and keep everyone employed. There is no intent to disenfranchise the motoring public, our customers, because we depend on them, but we have to conclude this so we can move on. We're losing money by not selling diesel, giving up some revenue again, although it's only pennies."

The Government, though, has reiterated several times that it will not approve anything that will immediately increase gasoline and diesel prices at the pump - such as a margin increase for both retailers - because it does not want to further burden Bahamian families and businesses given the ongoing cost of living crisis. Hence the sticking point with retailers' calls for a margin increase, and the Davis administration has yet to respond to the diesel sales halt or reach out.

"We don't have a crystal ball, but we're hoping that in the next day or so the Government will say to come and sit down and let's finish this up," Mr Jones said. "We've negotiated, them and us, in good faith to address the plight of this industry and get some resolution.

"The only next step would be for us to change our hours, reducing station hours from 24 to ten. That's not where we want to go. We need to get it resolved; we cannot afford for it to go on any longer. At this point, not selling diesel is detrimental. Not selling gas would be even worse as without it the economy would shut down, but it would be cheaper at some point to close.

"That's not the idea. The idea is to get a deal and move on for the benefit of the economy. We don't want to see employees out of work, we don't want to see our customers in long lines queuing for gas. That's not the long-term plan. The long-term plan is let's make a margin adjustment. Every other business has been allowed to make an adjustment. We're spending too much time in this effort instead of focusing on how we can improve our business."

Reiterating that gas station operators are seeking their equivalent of "a living wage", Mr Jones said their requested margin increase has not changed. "It's 7-8 percent, something in that range, on the cost of landed fuel," he added. "It's nothing significant for the public. It's only pennies on the gallon. We're not even doubling what we're making in returns. The percentage is miniscule for the public.

"Right now, the Government is getting three times' or more than the person running the business and shouldering the responsibility - 10 percent VAT and $1.15 duty per gallon. We're not an economy that pays income tax, so the Government has to shoulder a lot of the responsibility. We're not saying give us something from what they get. We're saying let us work."

Mr Jones said the margin increases requested by the Association would go "virtually unnoticed" amid all the cost increases of far greater magnitude that continue to occur.


Sickened says...

PLP's greed for money, under the guise that most of it is used to support the Bahamian economy, will be their downfall.
Why not just share the additional windfall of higher gas prices with the gas stations? Why screw them while you rake in MUCH more than you ever anticipated?
For so called religious people they certainly don't care that GREED is a SIN!!!

Posted 24 May 2023, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Snake still selling his diesel ............ shameful PLP hog

It is a shame what these multinational fuel wholesale companies (with the blessing of the PLP government) are doing to the Bahamian gas station operators ......... and the Govt is turning a blind eye, as long as it is collecting its big share of customs duty & VAT from every gallon of fuel imported and sold.

The gas station operators are renting their stations, paying franchise fees, paying percentages on their shops, paying VAT, wages & NIB, dealing with maintenance & serious security threats, and balancing accounts receivables with inflation while NOT getting any relief from the fixed markup on fuel that the Government refuses to change after decades.

These old and new PLP hogs don't care about the common people or the business operators at all. Their talk dont match their action.

Posted 24 May 2023, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

This is 100% the fault of the Bahamian govt. They are dictating to private companies what prices they are allowed to sell their products at. How does that make any sense at all? They don't tell the lawyers how much to charge a client. They don't tell the restaurants how much they should sell their hamburgers for. They don't tell the mechanic how to price his spark plugs. But for some reason they are qualified and allowed to dictate to the gas station owner what he sells his fuel for, regardless of what it actually costs him?

Posted 24 May 2023, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

None of these other entities are under the thumb and at the mercy of foreign companies like Esso, Rubis & Shell .......... Bahamian lawyers, restaurants, mechanics etc do not answer to such foreign bosses, like the gas station operators who RENT premises and buy fuel from these foreign companies.

Posted 24 May 2023, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

logician242 says...

Actually the Government does dictate the price of spark plugs along with ALL car parts as well as new and used cars. All price controlled. They need to get out of price control and let the market do its job. Price control was put in place in the 1970s allegedly to stop the rich white merchants from taking advantage of the poor black people. Nonsense then and even more so now.

Posted 24 May 2023, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

One of the biggest mistakes the corrupt, wealthy and elitist political ruling class of the PLP ever made was to allow the very corrupt and insatiably greedy Franky Wilson, aka Snake, to partner with corrupt executives of the Shell Oil conglomerate to acquire monopolistic control of our small nation's oil, gas and energy needs.

Posted 24 May 2023, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Correct! I'm sure there are many politicians on both sides that also directly benefit from this Shell deal. Like most big businesses and organizations the person who's face you see is not the one with the control or who is benefiting the most.

Posted 24 May 2023, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

observer2 says...

I disagree. I thank God for Franky the Snake and the PLP to continue to sell gas through their monopolistic vertically integrated business model created over decades of acquisitions help us poor black Bahamians buy diesel.

Lets take a look at this

Shell/producer/Focol - Focol/Importer - Focol Truck/Distributor - Focol/Retailer... excellent the market is corned and we Bahamians are benefiting from having diesel today!

OK, lets now take a look at whats at play at BPL

Shell/Focol/Producer/Importer - Focol/Retailer to BPL - Focal/Electrical Generation (this is brilliant) because when BPL go on strike Focal will keep the lights on.

Sir Franky is a great PLP General and has helped the Country greatly. He needs to be made a National Hero for his help in the economy and keeping the lights on and the cars running.

Posted 24 May 2023, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Nice. You're either a very rich friend of Snake or a poor uneducated beggar. Either way - ROFL.

Posted 24 May 2023, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

.....ditto that.

Posted 26 May 2023, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

the more a government tries to Control an economy or supply chain the less they have to tax and control.
Fuel is one thing, Auto parts /Meds and Food categories are others they've messed with already with questionable results. They control people, not market prices. They tax the market and people no matter the price.

Posted 24 May 2023, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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