Union officials to work with police on Labour Day parade safety


Tribune Staff Reporter


UNION officials are cooperating with the Royal Bahamas Police Force to ensure road safety for the upcoming Sir Randol Fawkes Labour Day parade.

The National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas (NCTUB) on Friday revealed several planned activities for labour week. This year celebration’s is held under the theme of “Labour together, Stronger Forever, Celebrating Labour’s Legacy, Love and Service.”

Labour week will begin with a church service on Sunday, May 28, at the New Covenant Baptist Church, located on East-West Highway at 11am. The church service will be followed by the laying of wreaths at the grave site of Sir Randol Fawkes and his wife Lady Jacqueline Fawkes.

The annual Randol Fawkes Labour Day parade is also among the special events planned for this year’s celebration and will be held on June 2.

Four women lost their lives in 2018 after a car ran into the parade.

Asked about the safety measures for the upcoming event, Sherry Benjamin, vice president of NCTUB said: “Every year we meet with the Royal Bahamas Police Force and we are guided by their instructions. This year would not be an exception – we plan to meet with the Royal Bahamas Police Force very early next week and we will be guided by their instructions.

"They will let us know what the do's and the don'ts of the parade will be. We will follow the instructions as they give it because they are the persons who would provide the necessary directions as it relates to the road safety for everyone.”

Officials said the parade is a display of the strength and pride of the workers of the country.


hrysippus says...

Hah hah hah. How can I get some some gubbent recognition so I can get one of those comfortable gummint jobs with a generous unfunded pension?

Posted 27 May 2023, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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