INGRAHAM: WE HAD TOO MANY SEATS – Former PM calls for balance and warns of risk of large majorities


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham decried the large parliamentary majorities Bahamians have granted governing parties in recent elections while encouraging Bimini residents to vote for the Free National Movement in this week’s West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election.

“Unfortunately in The Bahamas, we don’t know how to balance things,” he said on Friday in his first political rally speech since 2017.

“People who have too much authority get little giddy with the authority they have,” he said. He said although he was happy the FNM won 34 of 40 seats in 1997, the size of the victory was problematic for him.

“We had too many seats,” he said. “Minnis had too many seats. Brave got too many seats.

“You have to find jobs for all those fellas. They all cost you money and the government could function quite properly with fewer numbers.

“And so, the next time you change the government of The Bahamas, don’t just go all out and kick everybody out one time. Don’t do that.”

“Leave some of the other fellas in.”

Mr Ingraham told the crowd that voting for the FNM would force the Davis administration to take their needs seriously and not take them for granted. He said the governing party should be punished for putting a value-added tax on breadbasket items.

“Bimini and most of the men,” he said, “they know what you do when men stray and go take up with other people and all that kinds of things. They put you in the doghouse. Well put the PLP in the doghouse. And if the FNM do a good job for you, stick with them. If they don’t, kick them out.”

Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis did not attend the rally. The images of Mr Ingraham, Michael Pintard and former FNM leader Tommy Turnquest were on fliers promoting the event, and all three men spoke.

The FNM’s candidate, Bishop Ricardo Grant, touched on familiar opposition themes about the PLP’s record since entering office. He warned the crowd to beware of the “nasty politics” his opponents would deploy to distract them. 

The PLP, meanwhile, held a rally in Grand Bahama on Friday.

Kingsley Smith dismissed the FNM as a party of empty promises. 

“It’s like watching the Ponzi scheme unfold right before our eyes,” he said, likely alluding to Bishop Grant’s past association with a pyramid scheme that caused some people to lose their initial investment. 

“This is no scam. This is the real deal,” he said.

The by-election to replace Obie Wilchcombe is on Wednesday.


birdiestrachan says...

Ifif Mr Pintard has proof of all that money given for votes he should bring the evidence

Posted 20 November 2023, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Absolutely correct.

Posted 21 November 2023, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Both lack a capitalist spirit! --- The PLP Candidate, marked X to his having no bank account. ---- Whilst the RedShirt, put X to having one but with no money. --- Whilst COI's, signed-in as a millionaire.--- The Bible, touches, as to the cost of keeping two wives.but not, three. ---. Yes?

Posted 20 November 2023, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Our "first past the post" system, combined with the cultural attachment to two political parties have created this monster that Ingraham is talking about.

We the citizens have sold our souls to the political elite (UBP, PLP & FNM) with no sense of duty to country. Our blind allegiance to colour/symbol has taken away our ability to weigh options & exercise good judgement when electing leaders. Pindling abused the system & brainwashed the masses and his proteges have led all of us to the brink of the national abyss. So be it.

Posted 20 November 2023, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Is it that not true that Thee, Mr. Minnis, wants nothing whatsoever to do with going all the way back to be listening to "Papa" Hubert. --- Yes?

Posted 20 November 2023, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Some dinosaurs just refuse to accept being extinct.

Posted 20 November 2023, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The Fnm party do not help the poor. Some Fnm s made as hell with papa he reduced redunce pay from 2o years 12 years.

Posted 20 November 2023, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**Remember, "Papa's" Jeep ride?** --- Remarks at Grand Bahama RED SHIRTS' Rally by Premiership Hubert "Papa" Ingraham,**Sunday, April 15th 2012.**:--- Young RedShirts', --- Before I say anything else, I have a special report for you. --- Thank you for Red Splash. Red Splash has turned into a gigantic Wave of Colour Red. On Thursday night a Sea of Red covered R.M. Bailey Park in Nassau. **What you saw on your television was only part of the story.** --- Then came "Papa's" former law partner PGC, on 8 May 2012, at approximately 4 pm. --- Yes?

Posted 20 November 2023, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

Isn't that the point? For the ruling party to rule?

Posted 20 November 2023, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

A proportional representation system with lists would solve that problem but I dont know if people who are used to FPTP system would be for it.

Posted 21 November 2023, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Does Ingraham realize he has described himself first and foremost? Although "giddy" is not the word that correlates best, dictatorial and vindictive would have been better suited to the description. Unfortunately we lack the political maturity and seem to like the rule by personality.
We keep voting for it.

Posted 23 November 2023, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

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