PLP VOTE RISES AS SMITH WINS RACE – Davis: We wanted to win for Obie


Tribune News Editor

THE Progressive Liberal Party’s Kingsley Smith comfortably won the West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election yesterday, buoying the Davis administration in a race some saw as a potential barometer of the governing party’s popularity near the mid-point of its term.

Voter turnout, which had been unusually low in the 2021 general election, was similarly low this time, with 3,765 out of 6,015 people voting, according to unofficial results.

However, Mr Smith got more votes than his predecessor, the late Obie Wilchcombe, did in the last election –– 2150 versus 2034 –– while the Free National Movement lost ground. The FNM’s Bishop Ricardo Grant got 1276 votes, 34 per cent of the share, fewer than the 1,484 Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe got in 2021.

While the Coalition of Independents, through its leader, Lincoln Bain, improved on its 2021 performance, it was not enough for Mr Bain to get back the $400 he deposited to run in the race. He got 307 votes for eight per cent of the vote. Two independents, Terneille Burrows and DaQuan Swain, got a combined 32 votes.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said his party took nothing for granted to win the race as several dozen energetic supporters cheered him on as he spoke at the PLP’s headquarters on Farrington Road in New Providence. They sang “One Love,” an ode to Mr Wilchcombe, whose death created a vacancy in the House of Assembly and in whose name many campaigned. Hundreds also gathered at one of the party’s offices in Grand Bahama to celebrate.

“We wanted to win to honour the memory of Obie,” Mr Davis said, adding that the race demonstrated the strength of democracy in the country.

“After the celebrations tonight,” he said, “tomorrow we’ll be right up bright and early because it’s time to get back to work.”

Asked about the lower voter turnout, Mr Davis said turnout isn’t an issue for him.

“The issue for me is that I turn out my voters and I won,” he said. “We turned out our voters. We encouraged our voters and they voted. It was their job to get their voters out and it is our job to encourage participation, but yet again, as I said, it is a democratic right for anyone.”

 He said the message voters sent the FNM is that they still have confidence in his administration.

 “They realised that this administration has only been in for two years. They saw some movement. They had hope in us that we will not neglect them and that we will deliver on what we said we would do,” he said.

 In the campaign’s final weeks, the PLP mobilised resources, signed contracts and touted its record. The Davis administration held a rare Cabinet meeting in Grand Bahama on Tuesday. The FNM dismissed these actions as a ploy for votes and brought former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to the rally stage for the first time since 2017. Mr Ingraham told reporters earlier this month that he advised FNM leader Michael Pintard that by-elections historically favour the PLP. Mr Pintard told The Tribune last night he had no regrets contesting the seat. 

 The governing party has now won four of the last six by-elections.


Sickened says...

What's their fingers telling me? 3 strikes and they're OUT!!!!

Posted 23 November 2023, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

A bigger worry is that yet again the turnout was lousy. The parties need to realize that a growing part of the population has no faith that any party will do anything that will make a noticeable change and as such they are not voting (around 37% didn't vote, which is more then voted for the winner). Unfortunately as long as its FNM and PLP switching who wins they won't care (and no this does not mean i want COI to win, though for this particular election it would have been interesting if they had).

Posted 23 November 2023, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades', just might want stay tuned to learn: --- "Did the COI, actually outpoll the RedParty's 'losing Bishop'." --- Yes?

Posted 23 November 2023, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Mr.Pintard, when you and your colleagues were giving your former leader carte blanche to shut down the country,i guess you had not realized the damage you were causing to your party. Live and learn. Enjoy your newest defeat.

Posted 23 November 2023, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

This result is bad news for both parties.

Posted 23 November 2023, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Just like during the 2021 election, the PLP has won - with barely 50% of the WGB/Bimini voters having voted ............ and barely 30% of the total constituency electorate endorsed the PLP. Not good at all.

Little confidence in the parties and the candidates, the democratic system is broken. Voters are generally turned off and only the elderly die-hards (on both sides) are coming out to vote. The U40 age group do not really see the sense in voting for the candidates who are being put up by BOTH parties at this time. Yet, independents and third parties are not attracting any traction either.

Posted 23 November 2023, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*The issue for me is that I turn out my voters and I won,” he said. “We turned out our voters. *"

**I guess they have to put a positive spin on it, it's only natural but to consider a 65% turnout as an endorsement and 35% support of registered voters as "good news" is quite a bit of a stretch. Seems like people have no more confidence in this administration than they had in Minnis'**

Posted 23 November 2023, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

How is winning for Obie going to help Obie? Winning helps the PLP regain power, money and political contacts. All we do is worship politicians after we elect them. This guy will now become a Demigod. I need to become a Demigod.

Posted 24 November 2023, 4:47 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

I myself am still here scratching my head and trying to figure out how Obie suddenly became such a Bahamian demi-god. What was it he did exactly????

Posted 24 November 2023, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

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