Atlantis sparks strong opposition over Montagu Bay seaplane bid

By Fay Simmons

Tribune Business Reporter

An Opposition MP, nearby residents and the sailing community last night voiced opposition to Atlantis’ bid for a water aerodrome licence at Montagu Bay that would facilitate domestic seaplane tours for its guests.

Adrian White, the St Annes MP, questioned the choice Montagu Bay given that the area is already used for multiple water activities including sloop sailing, which is taught to local youths by nearby sailing clubs.

He strongly objected to the licence application, although he acknowledged the financial opportunities it presented and said Atlantis would be “putting a landing strip on top of a school”.

He said: “From a commercial perspective I understand that would be a good opportunity for excursions, but you have a big resort over on Paradise Island and you have plenty of land…

“If you put that on Montagu Bay you will basically be putting a landing strip on top of a school, and that is not something that I will accept as member of Parliament and I know so many people here are not accepting that. Why would Atlantis ever think it prudent to put a landing strip in Montagu Bay?”

Atlantis has teamed with Coco Bahamas Seaplanes, a Bahamian-owned airline based out of Odyssey Aviation on New Providence. The seaplanes aim to add Family Island excursions from Nassau, with operations out of Montagu Bay intended to increase connectivity, expand the tourism market and create jobs through flights to Spanish Wells and Kamalame Cay.

Scott Buckner, incoming commodore of a local sailing club, said that while he can see the project’s attraction it would be placed in the middle of “ground zero of sailing”. He added: “I’m opposed, and the reason for it is not being against the seaplanes per se, but the landing area.

“We did have Chalks. It’s wonderful. It’s romantic. I can see why people want to go on seaplanes. It’s not against the seaplanes. This landing area is right in the middle of where Bahamians sail; it’s ground zero of sailing.”

Jackson Parker, an instructor at the Nassau Yacht Club, voiced safety concerns about having the seaplane landing site close to where he tutors children in the country’s national sport.

He said: “My main concern is the safety of having these children on the water at the same time as seaplanes that are landing. That runway is literally right where I will be having kids sail every single day of the week.

“Sailing is our national sport. What does Atlantis care more about? Promoting youth sports in our country or profiting off Americans? What do we care more about? This project will severely limit our ability to learn and promote sailing in this country.”

Senior Commander Berne Wright, the Port Department’s acting port controller, maintained that a decision on approving the seaplane project and associated licence has not been finalised and the consultation process will influence the outcome.

He added that placing the landing site at Montagu was “only a suggestion”, and that due to increased traffic the previous location at the former Chalks operations base on Paradise Island “is not suitable for continued operations”.

Commander Wright added: “It was the Port Department’s recommendation to have what we are having now. At the Port Department we don’t make decisions in a silo, and we value what you bring to the table. Hence your input, your feelings matter in the decision we make.

“Since Chalks ceased operations there would have been considerable growth. There’s more [boating] traffic and that is not suitable for continued operations. Montagu was only a suggestion; this deal is not done. We at the Port Department, we hold no brief for Atlantis. We are the regulators and it is the decisions that we make along with the airside. No decision has been made. Your input will influence the decision and that’s why we are here today.”


DillyTree says...

This must not be allowed for so many reasons -- Montagu is a heritage site, one of the few remaining public beaches and parks, home to our national sailing program (audits and youth) and the site of many regattas. Why would anyone agree to such a project? And how does it benefit Bahamians?

Oh, and these are the same people who raised hell about having a McDonald's near them?!?! Talk about hypocrisy!

Atlantis, you've taken over much of Paradise island -- use some of your own land -- maybe Royal Caribbean will lease you a sliver for your little project. We certainly don't want it at Montagu!

Posted 11 October 2023, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

It was the port department that suggested it to them !!!!!

Shame, shame shame.

Posted 11 October 2023, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Seafloat Planes Landing and Seafloat Planes,Taking Off! --- The RedShirts' Opposition MP Adrian "White Boy" --- Who serves in the House, --- Was elected to represent the district for Shirlea, --- Also needs to concern himself with all those secret networks of Undersea Cables, sunken below the Sea Waters of Montagu Bay, and Nassau Harbour. --- Yes?

Posted 11 October 2023, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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