PM: IMMIGRATION CHIEF HAS RETIRED – Davis says Ferguson left by choice - not through victimisation


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis broke his silence on recent leadership changes to the Department of Immigration yesterday, saying former acting Director of Immigration Keturah Ferguson willingly left her post and retired.

He denied that she was sent on leave and victimised.

“My understanding is that she’s decided to retire,” he told The Tribune at Atlantis after attending a Fintech conference. “I think they would have spoken to her, and she’s retiring and leaving. That’s her choice.”

Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard leaked internal Department of Immigration documents earlier this summer showing senior immigration officers were concerned about former Immigration Minister Keith Bell’s interference in the department’s work. Some believe the leaks threatened Ms Ferguson’s position and made her vulnerable to removal.

 Asked about the victimisation claims, Mr Davis said: “We hold people to account, yes, and accountability, that’s what we will always do. But whoever said that, maybe they could give me the incidences why they believe it is, but there is no victimisation. As I understand it from all persons involved, she agreed willingly that she will vacate the post and move on.”

 Ms Ferguson, 62, could not be reached for comment up to press time. By law, she was not required to retire until age 65.

 In July, Mr Davis pledged that the government would review how immigration decisions are made and strengthen the process. The administration, however, has not disclosed further details such as who is conducting the review.

 Nonetheless, Mr Davis said former Immigration Director William Pratt was brought back to run the department because of his experience.

 “The department requires some season and experience at this time, and that’s why he was brought back,” he said.

 When The Tribune asked why there was no mention during last week’s Speech from The Throne about amending the Bahamas Nationality Act to equalise citizenship rights for men and women, Mr Davis said Governor General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt noted that immigration laws are being reviewed.

 “The nationality act is included in those laws,” he said. “We’re reviewing those, and we will be coming to Parliament with any amendments that we think are necessary.”

 “When the minister speaks during the resolution to thank the governor-general, he will give more details on it.”

 Governor General Pratt said last week that the government would introduce a bill “to amend the Immigration Act to make new provisions and to be more responsive to the present realities of our immigration circumstances.”

 In April, Attorney General Ryan Pinder said the government would not amend the Bahamas Nationality Act to fix discriminatory citizenship issues until the Privy Council ruled on a pending case.

 The Privy Council later affirmed that children born out of wedlock to Bahamian men are Bahamians at birth regardless of their mother’s nationality. However, the Davis administration has not said when it will change the law to let Bahamian men and women pass on citizenship whatever the circumstances.


bahamianson says...

Whenever Brave wants to distance himself from a situation; he says " my understanding " or something like that. We believe you, just a total coincidence. Our local Gods make me want to puke!! We the worshipers are just plan stupid.

Posted 12 October 2023, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*She retired voluntarily*"... yeah, after we made the environment so distasteful and put so much pressure on her that she finally left in disgust. Hooray for corruption!

Imagine if the PM had stood up like a real leader and said: this is an example of the vigilance we want in our civil servants, if you see something wrong say something, because we want to portray the image of an efficient transparent govt. We thank Mrs Ferguson and as a token of our appreciation we present her the first Civil Guardian award of 5 thousand dollars.

If the PM had made such a statement would Mrs Ferguson have retired?

Posted 12 October 2023, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So true

Posted 12 October 2023, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

If Ms Ferguson was done wrong.she can speak for herself

Posted 12 October 2023, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 12 October 2023, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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