Cooper says Grand Bahama airport groundbreaking coming soon, and to be finished by 2025


Tribune Staff Reporter

DEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper said a groundbreaking ceremony for an airport in Grand Bahama will soon happen.

He said the airport will be completed in 2025.

He spoke on Friday during the launch of a $600m Grand Bahama Shipyard expansion project.

He said the new projects will position Grand Bahama as one of the most dynamic logistics and transhipment hubs.

“I am confident that this will be a catalyst for solidifying GB’s position in the world as the leading maritime and logistics centre,” he said.

He commended the Bahamas Investment Authority and the Cabinet for approving the Shipyard project.

“It represents not only a monumental investment but a pivotal step in the revitalization in GB,” he said.

“It will create jobs, stimulate entrepreneurial opportunities, and create the critical mass that is needed on the island.”

“There will be many spin-off opportunities for businesses such as retailers and transportation providers.”

Mr Cooper said that the government has enjoyed partnerships with both Carnival and Royal Caribbean in the past 50 years.

“The vision for the Shipyard only underscores the commitment to the Bahamas and establishes GB as a premier maritime destination for repair and revitalisation of vessels,“ he said.

He stressed that the floating docks will create the largest floating facility in the Western Hemisphere.


JokeyJack says...

Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King. Soon and very soon ...

so the planes dem gah land on da floating docks ? LOL.

Posted 31 October 2023, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

zemilou says...

Ground broke at Exuma airport years ago. How about finishing that one first?!

Posted 31 October 2023, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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