New Traffic location is bad idea

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Ministry of Energy Transport — Road Traffic one would have thought they would use all the technology and science available before making a traffic decision but no...let’s put a high volume traffic government licensing department on an already high trafficked highway! Brilliant!

Independence Drive before the turn to the Environment Park [garbage dump] is already heavily trafficked ..... is there space to add turning middle road third lane on either direction?

Oh, well, at least someone will benefit.... but the rest of the motoring public will face traffic jams, waits and possibly this could be creating a location for many minor bumper hits and possibly collisions. Exiting and turning east will be a nightmare as east traffic will not give way.

Think again, Minister, dis ain’t the right location.



October 26, 2023.


IslandWarrior says...

The Minister is constrained by a culture of cronyism that underpins the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). Therefore, it may be prudent to show some leniency towards her. Leslie is a prominent member of the PLP and is likely to exert significant influence, even if it means overlooking other practical options or the impact on Bahamians. These organizations couldn't care less about the people of the Bahamas.

Link to 'other practical options'…

Posted 31 October 2023, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

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