Incident of officer striking a boy called ‘appalling’


Tribune Staff Reporter

LAWYER Christina Galanos has spoken after what she called an “appalling” incident in a viral video in which a boy can be seen being struck then grabbed by two police officers. 

In the viral video, two police officers on a golf cart in the vicinity of the Mall at Marathon approached a group of students. One of the officers commanded the students to “Go home and find the bus stop”.

In response, a male student said: “I just reached here. I going to go get something.”

However, following the student’s response the officer asked the student, “Who you think you are talking to like that? Boy, you stupid, ay?”

 The officer then used what appeared to be a baton to strike the student. The student was further manhandled and placed in the back of the golf cart.

 After the video was widely circulated on social media, Ms Galanos made an appeal on Facebook for the victim to contact her.

 When contacted by The Tribune yesterday, she confirmed that she intends to offer her services to the victim to obtain justice.

 “It’s absolutely ridiculous,” she said yesterday.

 “It is appalling. It is concerning and we have to do as a public, all of our power to put a stop to it.”

 In a statement yesterday, The Royal Bahamas Police Force said they were aware of the video and that an extensive investigation has been launched.

 “The organisation is concerned of the behaviour displayed by the officers involved and has subsequently launched an extensive investigation into the matter,” according to the statement.

 “The police wish to remind the public of its commitment to provide quality law enforcement services and that where incidents of misconduct are exhibited by its members, police will take quick and decisive actions.”

 However, Ms Galanos said there is no need for further investigation as the video speaks to the events.

 “When these videos appear, the police’s general response is that they’re going to investigate the matter. Investigate what?

 “The video is as clear as day. What are you investigating? You have a video. Clearly, the officers involved are clearly shown in the video. Clearly, they abused their powers. Clearly, there was no reason for them to hit the child.

 “What are you investigating? It seems to me like it’s an ad lib. Just something that they say generally speaking to kind of get the media off of their case.”

 Ms Galanos represented a juvenile male pro bono who suffered a similar fate in 2019 after a viral video showed a police officer pushing the juvenile over a barrier despite adhering to the officer’s command.

 After a two-day trial in 2021, the Office of the Attorney General paid a total of $46k in damages and costs for the actions of the officers involved.

 “I want to make this country a better country,” said Ms Galanos yesterday.

 “I have a daughter, if not for me for her. She has to live here, she has to be subjected to police officers stopping her.

 “I’m making an example of these, I call them robocops. These robocop police officers are my way of doing all I can in my power to ensure that I make The Bahamas a little bit better for her and others in her generation and behind.”

 Ms Galanos questioned whether the Office of the Attorney General would go to trial, noting that the video depicts a case of assault and battery and an unlawful arrest.

 “I never guarantee a win,” she said yesterday, “I don’t care how obvious it looks, but to me, it seems to be a clear case of assault and battery and definitely an unlawful arrest.” 


John says...

Whilst it is understandable that store operators in the mall do not want school children loitering and crowding the mall after school, it would be interesting to see how these store owners/ operators feel about how the Gorrilla- tactics police are handling the situation. Violently beating students throwing them onto golf carts and even pinning them on the ground ( in another video ). It would be interesting to see if management at Kelly’s, The Sporrs Center, John Bull, The Clark’s Store/Shoe Village, BTC, Aliv, QBC, Bonevulle Bones Wendy’s Domonioes, KFC and others feel about how these children are being treated. We are than hardened criminals
And remember also, some of these students were employees in the mall during the summer. Most worked the entire summer in the mall without incident. And yes, whilst it is understandable that groups of students are not wanted in the mall. I think the policy is students cannot enter the mall in uniform or in numbers larger that three, why the need for the aggressive hostility? And despite having insignia indicating he is a crtharb

Posted 11 September 2023, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

I fail to see how the action of the police officers is connected with the store operators in the mall?

Posted 11 September 2023, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Yes, despite that officer having insignia indicating he is a crown sergeant, he is very barbaric, uncouth, hostile towards young people and should be fired! You know they started this same action on Bay Street when the malls opened. They didn’t want school children on Bay Street. They started forcing them in buses and told them to leave downtown. The fact is they actually didn’t want BAHAMIANS downtown! And to prove it they move the Bus Stops. From downtown. And whilst many businesses will not admit it outrightly, they suffered tremendously when Bahamians were ‘de facto’ BANNED off Bay Street. And the action continues today: Go on Bay any Saturday or Sunday morning and view the dozens of officers stationed there with tickets in hand targeting Bahamians and drooling to give out tickets. No where else in The Bahamas does this happen in a Sunday morning!
. So Bahamians are asking the store operators in the mall to make their position clear. Do they sanction the behavior of these police officers brutalizing school children. Then boycott those stores that don’t speak out and speak up against this behavior. You have the economic power!

Posted 11 September 2023, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Now this sister has big balls, coming to the call of the injustices perpetrated by a legal gang who for too long act as if they have no one to answer to. To the coward greedy men lawyers who sit by with their mouths closed and their hands out shame on you. Big shout out to this hero Ms. Galanos.

Posted 11 September 2023, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

It is very disrespectful for you to refer to Ms Galanos as, ‘ this sister’, or as having, ‘big balls. ‘ Ms Galanos is not transgender and many women, Bahamian women has stepped to the fore and taken control of bad situations and fixed them and made them right, without losing a touch of their femininity. Why would you want to underhandedly masculate Ms Galanos while pretending to pay her compliments? You don’t call a professional woman a ‘sister!’ Refer to her by her professional title or simply as Ms Galanos. In fact the use of ‘sister’ went out with The Jefferson’s.

Posted 11 September 2023, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Would you take it as a compliment if someone referred to your wife or mother as ‘having big balls?’

Posted 11 September 2023, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

JackArawak says...

The Bahamian police are out of control, they’ve been out of control for decades and it’s not going to change anytime soon. Until there is real accountability in the police force and the central government the chaos will continue. Yawn.

Posted 11 September 2023, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

We allowed the US to come here and whitewash ( ok brainwash) our police and national security system so as to create a real civil war between Bahamians and what should be authority. Bahamians were afraid to stand up and timid to speak out because they grew up under the British system where , at least, just was seen to be done. And because of this, hundreds of young lost their lives in the American style and instigated gang wars and so called insurrection against the police. But the tides and turning. Bahamians are taking persons in authority who do wrong before the courts and they are prevailing. Ms Galanos indicated that she sought and garnished relief for another young man who were tossed over barricades by police. And there are some NINETY SEVEN police involved killings that are scheduled to go before the coroner’s court, of the cases concluded thus far this year, ALL have ruled against the police and in favor of the victims. We allowed US Agents to come here and to The Bahamas into a corrupt and lawless society under the guise of fighting drugs and the associated crimes. AND to the detriment of BAHAMIANS! Watch closely the trial with Donald Trump and his cohorts in Atlanta. Being prosecuted under laws that were specifically styled to send hundreds of young, black and Hispanic men to jail. Look what the dragging net caught this time!

Posted 11 September 2023, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Are you seriously trying to blame the US for the actions of our police? Our police had issues from Pindling sort to run all the foreigners out ot the country.

We need to accept responsibility for what we do ourselves and stop trying to pass the blame to others.

Posted 11 September 2023, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The Chinese Ambassador entreats Bahamians to bring down the cost of living in The Bahamas by going direct to China and stop going to the YS for everything.

Posted 11 September 2023, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Let's be factual. the Chinese ambassador said to cut out the middle man, whatever country/countries that may be

Posted 11 September 2023, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Wouldn’t allow me to edit but should read ‘ and stop going to the US for everything’

Posted 11 September 2023, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Sadly, this incident is appalling and needs to be addressed. It shows the lack of training and professionalism of our police officers. We need to raise the standards of qualifications to enter the police force.

Posted 11 September 2023, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

M0J0 says...

Sadly these officers are treating all the same, there are some rude school kids whom would cus out the police and be disrespectful, but all should not be treated in such a harsh way, they need to be taught the art of being calm. they are trained in such hostile manners, they come out of training and put the same on society.

Posted 12 September 2023, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Tribune last Tuesday:

*A woman is pursuing legal action after **a high-ranking male police officer in plain clothes allegedly punched her in the eye - leaving her unable to see through her left eye**. The punch resulted in Latique Perpall having a detached retina. It is not determined yet if she has been permanently blinded in that eye.She identified the officer to The Tribune as an assistant superintendent of police.*

***I was walking coming from ordering my food** and someone came up behind me and told me ‘Your p---- fat’.”*

*Before she went to her yard, a police truck pulled up in front of her yard.“He point at me and say her lock her up. **He say carry her to my station**.*"

**Huh??? Why the woman he sexually harassed have to be behind closed doors under his total control?**

"*They carry me to The Grove. When I went there, they start to book me.He said ‘ain’t I tell y’all to take her to my station’... bear in mind I still do not know who this man is. I still didn’t even know he was an officer at the time.*

Booked on what charge????? Arguing with a sexual pervert?

*The doctor told me there’s a hole in my retina of my eye and the bone in my eye is broken – my muscle is wrapped around the bone. Cannot see out my left eye right now. My whole face feels like it numb – swollen.*

*National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said he had not heard complaints of the matter but admitted the officer could be criminally charged if the allegations are found to be true.*

Posted 12 September 2023, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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