Man charged in Golden Isles robbery and sexual assault


Tribune Staff Reporter

A MAN was imprisoned on Friday after he allegedly robbed and sexually assaulted a woman at gunpoint near Golden Isles Road earlier this month.

Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans charged Samir Smith, 25, with rape and armed robbery.

Smith is accused of approaching a 23-year-old woman, with whom he was acquainted, as she was walking and forcing her into his gray Japanese vehicle at gunpoint on April 7. The accused allegedly drove to a track road where he is accused of raping the victim and robbing her of $230 cash before fleeing the scene.

Smith was told that his case would proceed to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI). He will be sent to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services until the higher court grants him bail.

The accused’s VBI is due for service on July 29.


rosiepi says...

Rape in the Bahamas is likely the most prevalent, most under reported crime in the Bahamas.
It is a crime that often scars victims for life.
We know this from data the world over and contributing factors, like a disinterested, misogynistic and corrupt law enforcement and court system, society etc.,.

So why does this lede read “Man charged in Golden Isles robbery and sexual assault” when your article states he was charged with the more heinous crime of rape?

Isn’t this a good example of disinformation to teach journalism students, ie. the deliberate spread of false information with the intent to influence public opinion and/or obscure the truth?

Worse this disinformation on crime has been repeated in multiple editions, so would your readers be correct in thinking your ‘news’ media isn't news’ at all, but rather a partner in a campaign of disinformation?
More commonly, propaganda led by a government, and disseminated through their media resources.

So how is this ‘news’ that informs Bahamians, especially women, the Mothers and Fathers of children here?

The Tribune’s failure of the most basic moral tenet of journalism put lives at risk; and while the Tribune might be shielding the abject failure of this gov’t today, since this commonwealth runs on tourism…?

Posted 13 April 2024, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

What an idiot, raping and robbing someone is horrible enough, but to rape and rob someone that you know and knows you is insane. This is where education comes in and comprehension that was taught in schools and later outruled in schools plays a huge part in today's Bahamas. Did he think he can just do this un-disguised and go on his merry way? Students don't have comprehension as part of their english studies, so the idiots later on in life can't comprehend in their empty brains that if I commits these crimes these are my likly out come. JAIL TIME or DON'T DO IT. Men if you can't find a women, duh! legitimately or even an escort for whatever reason to play with, then get to know Ms palm and her five fingers, it's safer in every way, no disease, no babies and NO RAPE cases.

Posted 13 April 2024, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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