BLACKOUT: New Providence hit by power outage as generators trip


Tribune Staff Reporters

RESIDENTS across New Providence experienced power outages around 9pm last night after two generators at the Bahamas Power and Light Clifton Pier Station tripped.

Some reported intermittent power outages.

BPL communications manager Arnette Ingraham said the outage affected several areas, including eastern New Providence and, predominantly, the western part of the island.

A recent audit by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) recommended that BPL reduce the frequency and duration of power outages by 40 percent and 60 percent, respectively, to meet regulatory standards.

The transfer of New Providence’s electricity grid to Bahamas Grid Company, now 60 percent privately owned, is underway. Island Grid, managed by Eric Pike, will oversee operations, with Pike Electrical providing the necessary workforce, equipment, and resources. Pike’s teams and trucks have

already started arriving in The Bahamas.

Bahamas Grid Company is raising $100 million through a private bond placement to fund $120 million in essential grid upgrades, targeted for completion by the third quarter of 2025. The bond prospectus indicates that expatriate workers will lead these upgrades, with plans to upskill Bahamian workers.


ThisIsOurs says...

"*Bahamas Grid Company is raising $100 million through a private bond placement to fund $120 million in essential grid upgrades, targeted for completion by the third quarter of 2025. The bond prospectus indicates that expatriate workers will lead these upgrades, with plans to upskill Bahamian workers.*"

This company brought in 2 generators as a part of the solution. Brave Davis proclaimed as these 2 generators came in July that there would be no generation problems.

**This problem will only be solved with eradication of corruption through contract awards**

Posted 16 August 2024, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

immigrant says...

That’s really funny…”eastern New Providence and predominantly the western side of New Providence…” in other words, the whole island. This company is a joke.

Posted 16 August 2024, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal

observer2 says...

“…. expatriate workers will lead electrical upgrades"....

speaks volumes of how dumbed down we Bahamians have become.

we can’t even do electricity anymore

and reverse osmosis water plants run by foreigners are not working in some family islands.

the entire infrastructure, light, water, cable, schools, airports, banking, taxing, crime has failed.

Posted 16 August 2024, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

This has all been in the making for decades with the intent of enabling certain of our corrupt government officials, at the most senior levels, to participate in the brazen theft of a controlling interest in BPL's assets by a crooked and greedy cabal of marauders led by Snake, Anthony Ferguson and Eric Pike.

The Bahamian people get stuck with all the debts of BPL/BEC and exorbitant electricity bills to come, while the crooked cabal of thieves get a clean slate and controlling possession of most of the revenues produced by a utility monopoly vital to our national security interests.

And make no mistake about it, Pintard and his fellow FNM parliamentarians will share responsibility with the corrupt Davis led PLP government for the entire mess to come because of their support of the new electricity legislation that facilitated this outrageous heist of our national assets for mere pennies on the dollar of true value. Pintard should have long ago announced that any future government led by him would immediately unwind this heist of national assets and properly deal with all issues relating to BPL in a fully transparent manner.

Posted 16 August 2024, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Empiricist says...

This is a crying shame. If it is not one thing it is something else. What ever happened to the Prime Minister’s promise a few years back that all problems with electricity on Providence, and the other islands, were over. With the new team, the the new generators and the new partnership every thing was going to be honky dory. But now we’re back to square one. We are sick and tired of this incompetent leadership of an institution that does not require rocket science.

Posted 16 August 2024, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

When he made the announcement that the problems would cease as of July and Frankie Wilson had 2 generators arrive in July. I said to myself, thats the fix? this *look like* Fred Ramsey, Desmond Bannister and 50 years of self serving money deals all over again.

Posted 16 August 2024, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

We brag about countrywide increased arrival numbers but can't keep the power and water on anywhere! 😳

Posted 18 August 2024, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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