Health on high alert but no travel restrictions for monkeypox


Tribune Chief Reporter 

THE Davis administration is not currently considering any travel restrictions for countries affected by the resurgence of monkeypox, according to Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville.

On Wednesday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the mpox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency for the second time in two years due to the virus's rapid spread across the region.

A deadlier strain of mpox has also been confirmed in several African countries.

Sweden recently reported its first case of the viral infection, with experts warning of more imported cases in the coming days.

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Dr Darville said his ministry is on high alert and has activated emergency response protocols due to the outbreak.

“We had a case of monkeypox in The Bahamas about a year ago. We have vaccines in the country, trained staff, and a surveillance unit. We are very vigilant,” he said.

“The Department of Public Health has now activated essential protocols throughout the country, and we'll be strengthening those protocols. Should we have a case or a few cases in the country, our systems, quarantine measures, and modalities are in place to protect every citizen in the Commonwealth.”

He added that his ministry will be increasing public awareness about mpox in the coming days.

Mpox is a viral disease that spreads easily between people through close contact. 

Symptoms include skin rashes or lesions, fever, headache, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion.


bahamianson says...

Yeah, cuz we ready,.....whatever.

Posted 17 August 2024, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

We all know what you mean.....not a word coming out Darville's mouth can ever be trusted.

Same goes for any senior official speaking on behalf of the CCP controlled WHO.

And the U.S. government seems unable to rein in evil state actors predisposed to waging bio warfare and controlling human behavioural responses to fear, especially around US presidential election time, not to mention the sinister likes of wannabe bad scientists funded by multi-billionaire Bill Gates.

Posted 17 August 2024, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

**Mpox Pathogenesis**

Mpox is a self-limiting disease, and the severity of infection can be influenced by various factors, such as the specific viral strain, individual immune status, and potential complications that may arise. Common early symptoms of Mpox virus infection include pain, fever, fatigue, and lymphadenectasis, with significant inguinal lymphadenectasis often observed. The presence of lymphadenectasis can help to distinguish Mpox virus infection from other orthopoxviruses infection. Furthermore, understanding the transmission mode is essential in establishing effective measures to combat Mpox. Following exposure to the respiratory secretions or body fluids of Mpox patients, the Mpox virus enters nearby tissues through mucous membranes (such as ocular, respiratory, oral, urethral, and rectal) or broken skin. It then spreads throughout the body via tissue-resident immune cells and draining lymph nodes. This constitutes the latent period for Mpox virus infection, which typically lasts up to two weeks. Throughout this period, individuals infected with Mpox are generally asymptomatic and devoid of lesions. Following the latent period, individuals infected with Mpox virus begin to exhibit atypical symptoms, including fever and chills, headache, muscle pain, and lymphadenectasis. These initial prodromal symptoms of Mpox typically last for three days. After the fever and lymphadenectasis, rashes begin to appear on the head and face, and gradually spread throughout the body. The rash evolves from papules to vesicles and pustules, and ultimately forming crusts that heal, leaving behind scars. This progressive rash phase lasts about 2–4 weeks. In the current outbreak of Mpox among men who have sex with men (MSM), some unusual clinical signs have been observed with rashes appearing primarily around the genital or anal area and subsequently spreading throughout the body. Severe cases of Mpox virus infection can lead to complications such as hemorrhagic disease, necrotic disease, obstructive disease, inflammation of vital organs, and septicemia. ***The case fatality rate of Mpox in non-epidemic regions during 2022 was ~0.04%.*** Immunocompromised individuals, including children, older adults, and those with immunodeficiencies (such as HIV patients and individuals using immunosuppressive medications), are more susceptible to experiencing these severe manifestations. In addition, immunocompromised individuals are more likely to contribute to the evolution of Mpox, making it increasingly adaptable to human hosts and resulting in widespread transmission.

Posted 17 August 2024, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"**Furthermore, *understanding the transmission mode is essential* in establishing effective measures to combat Mpox**"

Which is why its extremely puzzling that all reference to high number of cases among gay males has been removed from all alerts. I suppose they'll wait until its rampant within the heterosexual community via bisexuals or undercover lovers to point this out.

Posted 17 August 2024, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Hi - the current mpox clade is not most lethal among gay men or any adults at all but is killing children. A cursory google would tell you that, but you’d rather spread misinformation and demonise gays.

Posted 18 August 2024, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

LOL. "A cursory google" as you call it is a sure fire way of filling one's mind with loads of misinformation.

Posted 18 August 2024, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Posted 20 August 2024, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

@it I'm not demonizing gay people. If you recall AIDS at one point was devastating the gay community then it jumped to the heterosexual community. You cant get AIDS by touching someone. The most likely transmission mechanism was bisexual activity.

In regard to mpox, I'm not basing my statement on speculation. The WHO actually said they would drop all language about predominance in gay communities to prevent targeting of those communities.

This never made any sense to me. Never heard of a medical campaign that ignores the source of the infection.

As to a cursory google search, the story was on cnn.con about this virus long before Dr Darville made a statement and it showed a picture of an infected *child*. My first thought was, "*has it already jumped*". Its transmitted through mucus membranes. children rub their eyes, put things in their mouths etc, it makes sense, adults have sex, that also makes sense

Posted 19 August 2024, 3:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

From the Nassau guardian Aug 20 24
"*The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the following individuals as high risk but not exclusively: gay, bisexual men who have sex with other men (MSM) or individuals with multiple sexual partners.*"

Every *fact* is not an attack. It can simply be a fact

Posted 20 August 2024, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Could it be that duh most common health issue **needin' fixin'** is there are just too many of them 'crazies' in and outside duh government. -- Theys' influencing the sound popoulaces' to act up -- All funny. -- Yes?

Posted 17 August 2024, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

..., don't restrict the country, restrict Freddie from travelling; and those like him!

Posted 17 August 2024, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Here's a good laugh for everyone. The US CDC website dedicated to Mpox has a heat map of outbreaks by country populated with data as of August 6, 2024 that shows the following:

Number of cases reported since 2022 in the **Bahamas** - 3 Deaths - 0

Number of cases reported since 2022 in **Jamaica** - 3 Deaths - 0

Number of cases reported since 2022 in **Cuba** - 8 Deaths - 0

Number of cases reported since 2022 in the Democratic Republic of **Congo** - 3,104 Deaths 10

Number of cases reported since 2022 in Canada - 1,557 Deaths - 0

Number of cases reported since 2022 in Mexico - 4,124 Deaths - 34

Number of cases reported since 2022 in Brazil - 11,212 Deaths - 16

Number of cases reported since 2022 in the **USA** - 33,435 Deaths - 60

No Mpox statistics are provided for Haiti, presumably because of no record keeping in that violent gangster run country.

Obviously the current US government is hoping to portray a full blown epidemic of Mpox underway all across the US within the next month or so in order to justify and stimulate early voting by absentee ballots in the upcoming presidential election in early November. LMAO

Posted 18 August 2024, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

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