Darville: Country has vaccines available and protocols are set in case of m-pox virus


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Ministry of Health and Wellness said vaccines for monkeypox are available, following the ministry activating emergency protocols to protect against the spread of the viral disease in The Bahamas.

The Ministry of Health in a statement yesterday said the emergency protocols were activated following the declaration of monkeypox/M-pox in Africa. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global emergency in response to the rapid spread of the virus across the African continent and a newly reported case in Sweden. 

Minister of Health Dr Michael Darville confirmed that protocols and response measures to protect against the spread of M-pox in the country were activated and that quarantine measures and modalities are in place. The ministry also has retains antivirals and the M-pox vaccine for people seeking preventative treatment or who may be high risk.

“We also would wish to note that we are now able to test for monkeypox in country via the National Reference Library (NRL). This significantly reduces wait times on samples and offers the opportunity to rule out or treat persons presenting with symptoms,” Dr Darville said.

The vaccines are available at any public clinic and free of charge.

Last week, Dr Darville said the Davis administration is not currently considering any travel restrictions for countries affected by the resurgence of monkeypox.

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the following individuals as high risk but not exclusively; gay, bisexual, men who have sex with other men (MSM) or individuals with multiple sexual partners. Other persons at risk of exposure include laboratory personnel performing diagnostics testing and designated response team members. Symptoms of M-pox include skin rash/lesions, fever, headache, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. Symptoms can last two to four weeks. 

The death rate associated with the disease is low, ranging between three to six per cent of persons infected. The public is encouraged to adhere to safety protocols for M-pox which include: washing your hands properly and often with soap and water, using an alcohol based hand sanitizer, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces regularly, and maintaining physical distance from others, particularly if you feel ill. If you suspect that you or someone you know has monkeypox, contact your primary health care provider or nearest public health community clinic to be evaluated. 

Information can be obtained by contacting the National Communicable Disease Surveillance Unit, Mondays–Fridays, 9am–5pm at telephone numbers 604-9097 or 604-9091; or after hours at 376-3809, 376-7143, 376-9907, or 814-6892.


TalRussell says...

When will Minister of Health Dr. Michael Darville **do something about Insulin's high monthly cost** -- Yes?

Posted 20 August 2024, 7:13 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*President Biden and Vice President Harris took on Big Pharma and won, and now millions of seniors and others on Medicare will soon see their drug costs go down on some of the most common and expensive prescription drugs that treat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, blood clots, and more.*"

Work with the US Embassy. It's not true that theres nothing that can be done about prices

Posted 21 August 2024, 3:18 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> THE Ministry of Health and Wellness said vaccines for monkeypox are available, following the ministry activating emergency protocols.....

As you well know Darville, your activation of such protocols enables government to illegally strip us of many of our fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Your activation of emergency protocols also permits government to authorize certain un-budgeted expenditures that will undoubtedly greatly enrich a select few within the ruling political elite and their favoured cronies ('financial-backers') in the private sector..

> The ministry also has [and] retains antivirals and the M-pox vaccine for people seeking preventative treatment or who may be high risk.

Pray tell Darville, how many millions of dollars is government going to spend on protective gear, vaccines, etc. this time around by way of lucrative contracts with a select few favoured members of the ruling political elite and their cronies in the private sector?

> The vaccines are available at any public clinic and free of charge.

Nice to know Darville, but many of us have been jabbed enough already. By the way Darville, the taxpayers really deserve to know how much of their money has already been spent, and will be spent, on protective gear, anti-virals, vaccines, etc.? Can you give us even an honest rough estimate of the total cost of your actions here?

> The death rate associated with the disease is low, ranging between three to six per cent of persons infected.

Not so Darville. The CDC website dedicated to the Mpox outbreak showed earlier this week 33,000+ cases in the US since 2022 with only 60 deaths. That equates to a death rate of less than 2 per 1000 cases, less than 0.2%. Please stop with all of your deliberate scaremongering, Darville.

> The public is encouraged to adhere to safety protocols for M-pox which include: washing your hands properly and often with soap and water....

Of course, Darville, but it would help if the incompetent Davis led PLP government could get its act together and ensure that all Bahamians, especially those living on Family Islands, have access to a reliable supply of clean freshwater.

You're a major disappointment and embarrassment to many of us Darville, and I suspect few place much trust in anything you say or do as minister of health.

Posted 21 August 2024, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

We have vaccines, etc on hand. I'm guessing he means two shots and a box is aspirin. Lol. We k kw just how inept the government is with things. There's an expiration date for these vaccines. If no one takes it, it gets thrown away. So, what's the strategy? The main person's they say are ar risk are gay and bisexual men are people with multiple sex partners. However, the way the disease is transmitted doesn't add up to why these groups are more at risk. Someone should explain this to ensure there isn't a panic or is the global community guessing like they did with COVID?

Posted 21 August 2024, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

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