Banks nor govt care about us

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read in your paper that the chairman of the clearing banks advised against the regulation of bank fees. In my opinion this man does not care about the Bahamian people who are being strangled by ridiculous fees. One bank’s credit card late fee and over the limit fee is so high, when they are combined they are equivalent to an actual payment. This same bank offers no interest on savings but charges ridiculous fees for everything.

Yet the chairman of the clearing banks says regulating banks is “a slippery slope”. He nor the government in my opinion cares about the average Bahamian who is struggling to survive in this country.

What is a slippery slope is trying to find a reasonable place to rent in a decent area or having a budget of 150 dollars to buy grocery for a month.

Why is the government happy to regulate gasoline and propane prices… They refuse to let Bahamian owners of these businesses raise these prices so that they can meet their overhead expenses. Bahamians can understand a reasonable increase for these services because they are long overdue.

Banks on the other hand consistently increase their fees and offer nothing in return. They make large sums of money from the exorbitant interest rates on their loans and yet want to add high fees for simple services.

The chairman of the clearing banks in my opinion is simply looking out for the industry with which he is affiliated.

Very few people have the guts or integrity to speak up for what is right even if it means going against the majority or people they know.

When are Bahamians going to rise up and speak up against the poor treatment we receive?

When is this government going to actually do something that benefits the average Bahamian?

Why are they allowing banks to do as they please when it is us the people that keep them in business?

I have yet to see any sign that this government or many of the people who hold high office in any industry, who have the power to make changes that will help everyday Bahamians do anything that actually matters

Most of these people are paid well and are content because all is well in their lives and in the lives of their family members.

Is there any individual who falls in this category who is willing to rise up and say let us do this and that to help the people in a meaningful way?

Money is wasted on trips for government officials and digging up roads and paying consultants while teachers and nurses are given salary increases of 100 dollars.

Can we give them an increase that they can actually do something with?

How about a four hundred dollar a month increase at one time and then decrease the number of consultants and trips and the amount of money spent renovating homes for ambassadors and those in similar positions.

How about we not buy a bunch of tablets or install swimming pools but instead hire reading specialists and place them in the schools according to the number of non readers and low level readers in a particular school. Why don’t we go solar to help our people and lower light bills instead of continuing to buy fuel from a particular company in which certain Bahamians have a great interest?

The answer is that no one truly cares enough to do what really needs to be done. This is why our country is suffering morally, spiritually, financially, academically and in every other way.

The game will continue to be played until the next election.



August 18, 2024.


truetruebahamian says...

Tough truth.

Posted 24 August 2024, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> Why is the government happy to regulate gasoline.....prices…

The government does not regulate the price at which gasoline can be sold by gas station owners to their customers. The greedy Snake who controls FOCOL would never permit that to happen. Instead, the government regulates the mark-up margin that the gas station owners can earn on the gasoline they sell to their customers.

The greedy Snake and his partner Shell Bahamas are therefore the ones who really control the price at which gasoline is sold in the Bahamas. And because the higher the cost of gasoline is at the gas station pump the more gasoline tax the government collects, the government is quite happy to let the insatiably greedy Snake price gouge the public.

It is simply outrageous that struggling Bahamians are today paying nearly $6 for a gallon of gasoline in Nassau (even higher on the Family Islands) compared to an average price per gallon across Florida of just $3.35. The greedy Snake and his good buddy and silent business partner, corrupt Stumpy Davis, are laughing all the way to the bank as they continue conning poor and struggling Bahamians into thinking the selling price of gasoline is priced controlled by government.

Posted 24 August 2024, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

The business model of the Bahamas is robbing Peter to pay Paul. The banks are probably getting fleeced at some point of their business process, so they in turn are going to fleece their customers for whatever they can. They've closed a bunch of branches over the years which should theoretically save them a bunch of money, but pushing everything online has significant infrastructure related costs as well. Servers just don't magically appear out of thin air and run for free. That being said I think most of their fees are BS and there should be a regulatory regime of some kind introduced, if nothing is on the books already.

Posted 24 August 2024, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

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