‘RBDF troops in pre-deployment phase for Haiti’


Tribune Freeport Reporter 


FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said Bahamian troops are currently in the pre-deployment phase for their mission to Haiti and added that their specific role will be determined once all agreements are finalised.

“At this point we are in pre-deployment phase,” he said. “We have been asked to provide the management talent and there is a certain number of people that will go. When all the agreements are worked out, we will know what the specific role of our troops will be,” he said.

Due to security concerns in Port-au-Prince and ongoing negotiations with Haiti and Kenya, he said specific details will be limited.

He added: “I can’t say when the pre-deployment phase will be wrapped up. I know they asked us if we can get our people in on the management side as quickly as possible.”

Mr Mitchell said an operational forward base has been secured, and Bahamian troops will need to familiarise themselves with operational procedures.

“There will be a requirement for Bahamians to go in the pre-deployment phase to get acclimated to the decision-making processes of the Kenyans, who are taking lead on this, and also to do some further risk assessment of the role they will be play- ing. That is not finally decided, but in this pre-deployment stage it is important for us to get in operationally at the top. That is what is being done in the next few weeks,” he continued.

He confirmed that the overall mission remains the same, with the government still committed to deploying 150 defence officers to Haiti.

Mr Mitchell added that the Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs) still need to be signed to ensure legal protections for the troops. Issues such as immunities, conduct, and use of force must be resolved, with the Bahamas Attorney General’s office working swiftly with Haitian authorities and Kenyan officials to finalise these agreements.

The current focus is on deploying management personnel to begin their engagement, which is why it is termed the pre-deployment phase.

Mr Mitchell also discussed the recent visit of the CARICOM Eminent Persons Group to Haiti, where they spent ten days working to improve conditions.

The delegation included former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Gold- ing and former Saint Lucian Prime Minister Kenny Anthony, supported by a team from the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs and security provided by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. Former Prime Minister Perry Christie was absent due to his recent hospitalisation.

According to Mr Mitchell, most people are “pleased” with the Haiti’s current direction.


K4C says...

Is Fred Mitchell going to lead them ?


Stay in Nassau and spew his gibberish

Posted 23 August 2024, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Fwreddy Boy is a most deceitful piece of ............!!!!

Posted 23 August 2024, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

The colonizers say DO
The colonies say DONE

Posted 23 August 2024, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Bahamians will be late for their own funeral. Youll ein gon yet? Muddos, the kenyans or nigerians all over the news and toull still cleaning conch.

Posted 23 August 2024, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@ComradeBahamianson, **Haiti must wait on 'Bahamian-time!'** --- Could very well be that **deployment soldiers** are occupied with cleaning the "Brown Bess" muzzle-loading smoothbore muskets' -- Brought over to the colony **by loyalists' plantations' owners'.** -- Yes?

Posted 23 August 2024, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Hard to believe slimy and deceitful Fwreddy Boy actually said *“We have been asked to provide the management talent"* for the Haiti mission when we, the Bahamian people, know full well that this Davis led PLP government has no management talent whatsoever.

And to think our national debt is being increased to fund this ridiculously costly undertaking that Fwreddy Boy personally engineered to feed his demented ego that drives him to put the lives of Bahamians at risk in a most dangerous and hostile foreign country that even the US government is unwilling to send its own American soldiers. Yup, Fwreddy Boy is one sick you know what!

Posted 23 August 2024, 8:19 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

There are poloicepersons on the force who have a propensity to discharge their police issued firearm at defenseless and chained family dogs. We also have policepersons on the force who have been found guilty of manslaughter of unarmed civilians. Hopefully these two categories of policepersons will be amongst the first to be sent to Haiti, making our country just that little safer for Bahamians.

Posted 25 August 2024, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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